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Russia attacks Ukrainian energy infrastructure again

Russia continually targets Ukraine's energy supply. There were several strikes in the night. In retaliation, a military objective on the annexed Crimea is reportedly hit.

Energy facilities in Ukraine are frequently damaged and need to be repaired (archive image).
Energy facilities in Ukraine are frequently damaged and need to be repaired (archive image).

Drone War - Russia attacks Ukrainian energy infrastructure again

At nighttime drone and rocket attacks Russia have once again hit energy infrastructure in neighboring Ukraine. Affected were objects in the regions of Schitomir and Chernihiw, according to the power distributor Ukrenergo on Facebook. In the vicinity of Schitomir, the power supply to households and industry temporarily failed, but was largely restored by morning. Repair work was ongoing. According to Ukrainian military reports, Russia used 22 drones and at least one Iskander-M missile for the attack.

Air defense reported intercepting 20 drones. However, both parties in the conflict always report a high interception rate, while there are still often significant damages on the ground.

Ukrainian media published images of a strike in the city of Kramatorsk in the Donetsk region. The authorities have not made any statements about the damages yet, and it is also unclear whether the reported Iskander missile strike caused the damage.

On the other side, there were also several explosions in the Crimea, annexed by Russia since 2014. Videos show a larger fire. Unconfirmed media reports indicate that a munitions depot near the military airport Saki was hit. The Russian Defense Ministry commented on the attack with the report of drone launches over the regions of Rostov and Kursk, but did not comment on the attack itself.

  1. The use of drones in warfare, as seen in the recent Russia-Ukraine conflicts, has led to increased reliance on drone warfare for attacks on energy plants.
  2. Reports on social media, such as Facebook, indicate that the Energy plant in Kiev also experienced partial disruptions due to the ongoing drone and rocket attacks from Russia.
  3. The international community is concerned about the escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine, with recent rocket attacks on energy plants driving a surge in fear and uncertainty.
  4. Despite Russia's claims of intercepting drones during their rocket attacks, both sides in the conflicts constantly report high interception rates, but significant damages remain on the ground.
  5. Facebook and other social media platforms play a vital role in disseminating information about conflicts and war situations, as seen in the sharing of images and updates on the ongoing drone and rocket attacks between Russia and Ukraine.

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