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Royal couple moves into summer residence near German border

Denmark's King Frederik and Queen Mary want to spend a few days in the summer near the border with Germany. In doing so, they are continuing a family tradition.

Spending the summer not far from Germany: Denmark's King Frederik and his wife Queen Mary.
Spending the summer not far from Germany: Denmark's King Frederik and his wife Queen Mary.

Gråsten Castle - Royal couple moves into summer residence near German border

Denmark's King Frederik X (56) and Queen Mary (52) have moved into their summer residence in the border area with Germany. Numerous onlookers welcomed the royal couple about 20 kilometers northeast of Flensburg in the small town of Gråsten. The pair are continuing the tradition of Danish monarchs using the castle as a summer retreat. As Frederik strolled in a suit and Mary in a summer dress and hat from the town center towards the castle, hundreds of residents lined the streets. The pair beamed and shook some hands, as shown in photos by the Danish broadcaster DR.

The right to use Schloss Gråsten was granted to their grandparents of the current king in 1935. Since then, it has been a gathering place for the Danish royal family in the summer months. According to the palace, Queen Margrethe II (84), who abdicated the throne and handed it over to her son at the beginning of the year, as well as her sister Princess Benedikte (80), are also expected to spend time in the castle this summer.

The length of time Frederik and Mary will stay there was not disclosed by the palace in advance. Royal engagements currently stand scheduled only from mid-August onwards.

Royal family at the summer residence DR

  1. The summer residence in Gråsten, located near the German border in Schleswig-Holstein, has been a cherished tradition for Danish monarchs, including King Frederik X and Queen Mary.2.ants of the nobility and local people frequently visit the castle during the summer months, drawn by its historical significance and the royal family's presence.
  2. During their time in Gråsten, King Frederik X and Queen Mary are expected to be joined by Queen Margrethe II and Princess Benedikte, adding to the atmosphere of royal festivity in the area.
  3. In the small town of Gråsten, residents and visitors alike line the streets, eager to catch a glimpse of the king and queen as they make their way to their summer residence in traditional Danish attire.
  4. The Danish broadcaster DR has captured the warm welcome the royal couple received, with the king in a suit and the queen in a summer dress and hat, exchanging smiles and handshakes with the crowd.
  5. The Schloss Gråsten has been a summer residence for the Danish royal family since 1935, when the right to use it was granted to their grandparents, carrying on the longstanding tradition of monarchy in Germany's northernmost state, Schleswig-Holstein.

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