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Roughly a quarter of workers frequently perform their duties remotely.

Approximately one in four individuals within the workforce.

Microsoft is planning improvements when inserting text in Word to fix formatting problems.
Microsoft is planning improvements when inserting text in Word to fix formatting problems.

Roughly a quarter of workers frequently perform their duties remotely.

Despite the pandemic cooling down, approximately one-quarter of workers continue to work primarily from home, a Statistical Federal Office report revealed on a Wednesday in 2023. The report stated that around 23.5% of all employed individuals had performed remote work atsome point, which is marginally lower than in 2022 (24%) and 2021 (24.9%).

The home office, originally implemented due to the pandemic, has become substantial. Compared to pre-COVID levels, it's clear to see: In 2019, only 12.8% of employed individuals had worked remotely.

In a European context, Germany exceeds the EU average. On average, 22.4% of all employees over the age of 15 across the 27 EU member states worked remotely the previous year. The countries with the highest percentages are the Netherlands (52%), Sweden (45.8%), and Finland (42%). The countries with the lowest percentages are Bulgaria (2.9%), Romania (3.3%), and Greece (7.4%).

The statisticians concluded that "Home office is now used less extensively than during the peak pandemic times," in the case of Germany. In 2023, 44% of those employees who practice home office work were as frequent or more frequent at the office as at home, while 26% worked exclusively from home. In 2022, 39% of employed individuals worked just as often or more frequently at the office as at home, with 31% working exclusively from home.

The frequency at which employees engage in remote work is contingent on the size of the company or the employees' age. The percentage increases with the size of the company: In small companies (up to 49 employees), 13.1% of employees work from home; in medium-sized companies (50 to 249 employees), it is 22.9%.

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