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Rioter throws beer bottle at railroad employee

A violent offender known to the police is running around on the tracks - then he threatens a railroad employee. The federal police intervene.

The Federal Police reported the suspect, who was known to the police, after the incident.
The Federal Police reported the suspect, who was known to the police, after the incident.

Federal Police - Rioter throws beer bottle at railroad employee

A man with a criminal record for over 55 offenses wandered around the tracks of Lindau-Reutin train station and, according to police, threatened a railway employee. The lightly intoxicated 30-year-old threw a beer bottle at the employee, which landed on the tracks. He insulted and threatened the employee, holding a full beer bottle in his hand and threatening to hit him on the head with it, the police reported.

The suspect is known to the police as an armed violence perpetrator and consumer of incapacitants. He was last reported to the police at the end of June, after being seen with a backpack bearing SS-runes. For the latest incident in Lindau on Saturday, he also filed a report with the police, but is currently at large.

The Federal Police have been notified of the persistent criminal behavior in Swabia, as the man with the extensive criminal record, linked to multiple offenses, resides in Bavaria. Despite being wanted for a recent criminal offense at Lindau-Reutin train station, involving threats and potential danger with a beer bottle, the Police are still searching for the individual.

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