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Right-wing magazine 'Compact' lodges an appeal

Last week, the German Federal Interior Ministry banned the magazine 'Compact'. Now, the far-right publication is resisting in court.

The right-wing magazine 'Compact' resists the ban with its application and lawsuit (archive photo)
The right-wing magazine 'Compact' resists the ban with its application and lawsuit (archive photo)

Litigation against 'Compact'-ban - Right-wing magazine 'Compact' lodges an appeal

The far-right magazine "Compact" is challenging the ban imposed by the Federal Administrative Court. A complaint and an urgent application were filed on a Wednesday evening, a spokesperson for the court in Leipzig confirmed to the German Press Agency on Thursday. The Federal Administrative Court is responsible for such cases in the first and last instance.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) had banned the magazine, which was classified as far-right by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, on July 16. She justified the step by stating that "Compact" is a "central voice of the far-right scene" and goes against constitutional order.

The magazine may not be published at this time. Websites have been blocked. During searches in several federal states, data carriers and copies of the magazine were seized. Faeser also banned the Conspect Film GmbH.

It is still open when the Federal Administrative Court will make a decision on the case. In the decision-making process, it is expected to be considered how the ban can be justified in relation to the constitutionally protected freedom of the press. "Compact" editor-in-chief Jürgen Elsaßer had spoken of an unprecedented infringement on freedom of the press.

  1. The challenge to the ban on the far-right magazine "Compact" originated in Brandenburg, as reported by a Saxony-Anhalt-based magazine.
  2. The Federal Ministry of the Interior in Germany has been closely monitoring the situation, given the prevalence of extremism in certain regions, such as Saxony.
  3. The media coverage of the case has been extensive, with numerous outlets providing updates on the developments at the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig.
  4. If the ban is upheld, it could set a precedent for future cases involving far-right media, potentially impacting the freedom of expression in Germany.
  5. Meanwhile, the editor-in-chief of "Compact," Jürgen Elsaßer, has expressed concerns about the impact of the ban on the magazine's ability to disseminate information, emphasizing the importance of press freedom in a democratic society.
  6. Some analysts argue that the ban on "Compact" and Conspect Film GmbH could potentially reinforce the far-right's narrative of persecution, potentially exacerbating extremist sentiments.
  7. The ruling of the Federal Administrative Court is expected to be closely watched by both domestic and international media, as it could shed light on Germany's approach towards balancing freedom of speech and protection against extremism.

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