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Right-wing extremists primarily utilize property in eastern parts of Germany for their purposes.

Association Advocating for Constitution Defense

Right-wing extremists mainly use real estate in eastern Germany
Right-wing extremists mainly use real estate in eastern Germany

Right-wing extremists primarily utilize property in eastern parts of Germany for their purposes.

Extremist groups on the political right tend to favor real estate investments in the eastern regions of Germany, as per the Sachsen-Anhalt Interior Ministry. Data from the Constitutional Protection Association in 2022 highlights this trend.

Approximately 61% of the 210 identified real estate properties used by right-wing extremists in Germany can be found in the federal states of Thuringia, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and Berlin. The number of these properties has almost doubled since 2017 (from 136 objects).

As far back as 2020, the eastern German states committed to enhanced cooperation on this matter, sharing information more vigorously. A set of guidelines has since been developed, offering an overview of the current situation and providing guidance to local authorities and private property owners on how to avoid such acquisitions.

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Right-wing extremist groups in Germany frequently seek real estate in the eastern part of the country, often in regions like Thuringia, Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt. The Union for the Protection of the Constitution has consistently reported an increase in the number of such properties used by right-wing extremists, with a significant jump observed since 2017.



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