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Right to fast internet - committee agrees

Everywhere in Germany, landline Internet must be reasonably good, with the emphasis on "reasonably". A set of state regulations contains minimum requirements for this. These are to be tightened somewhat.

Internet users should be entitled to a minimum speed for data transmission.
Internet users should be entitled to a minimum speed for data transmission.

Minimum level for Internet - Right to fast internet - committee agrees

The so-called right to fast internet is expected to be strengthened. The Digital Committee of the Bundestag approved a report from the Federal Network Agency, according to which all households in Germany will supposedly have to receive at least 15 Megabits per second in download speed and thus five Megabits more than before. The upload speed is supposed to triple to five Megabits - this could enable stable connections for video conferences.

However, it will still take some time until this is the case: First, the Network Agency needs to change a regulation, then it needs to obtain approval from the Digital Committee of the Bundestag and the consent of the Bundesrat. The new rules could come into effect from December.

From then on, households that receive poor DSL internet could refer to the strengthened legal claim and possibly force a better connection. According to the Federal Network Agency, 2.2 million addresses in Germany have DSL internet below the new minimum levels. However, the valid legal claim since the end of 2021 is barely used.

With the legal claim, which is called "Minimum requirements for the right to supply with telecommunications services" and is also known as the "right to fast internet" in short, the urban-rural disparity in internet supply is supposed to be counteracted. For the majority of households in cities, it plays no role, as they have significantly better internet than the minimum requirements specified in the legal claim.

  1. The Federal Network Agency, responsible for telecommunications in Germany, reported that despite the change in regulations, only a tiny fraction of households utilizing the existing legal claim for adequate internet since the end of 2021.
  2. The Digital Committee of Bundestag, located in Berlin, approved a report that advocates for enhancing the right to fast internet in Germany, specifically mandating providers to ensure at least 15 Megabits per second for downloads and five Megabits for uploads.
  3. Consumers in Germany who currently experience poor internet quality via DSL may potentially leverage the strengthened legal claim, provided that they fall beneath the new minimum levels, to push for improved connectivity with their service providers, following the amendments implemented by the Bundestag and the Bundesrat.

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