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Right to abortion is enshrined in Ohio's constitution

Since the Supreme Court's historic ruling, the sovereignty over the right to abortion lies once again with the individual US states. Ohio now enshrines the right in the constitution - as individual US states have done before.

In the US state of Ohio, the right to abortion is enshrined in the
In the US state of Ohio, the right to abortion is enshrined in the

Right to abortion is enshrined in Ohio's constitution

After fierce political battles, the right to abortion has been enshrined in the constitution of another US state.

In a referendum in Ohio, a majority of voters were in favor of this step, as the television stations CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS reported on the basis of vote counts and forecasts. Similar referendums had previously been held in the states of Michigan, California and Vermont, which also went in favor of abortion advocates.

Biden: "Democracy has won"

US President Joe Biden reacted positively to the decision. The people of Ohio had "voted to protect their fundamental freedoms - and democracy has won".

In future, the right to abortion will be constitutionally protected in Ohio up to the viability of the foetus - i.e. up to around the 24th week of pregnancy - and beyond if the mother's life is at risk. More restrictive legislative proposals in the state are nullified by the constitutional amendment.

Strict restrictions in many places

In June last year, the US Supreme Court overturned the previously constitutionally protected right to abortion. Since then, sovereignty over legislation has returned to the individual states. A legal patchwork has been created - strict restrictions have come into force in many places. Abortions are practically banned in 14 federal states.

According to surveys, a majority of people in the USA support a limited right to abortion. One year before the presidential elections, the issue is already occupying a number of election campaigns at state level.

Women in Ohio can now exercise their constitutional right to abortion up to the viability of the fetus, thanks to the majority vote in favor of the amendment. Moreover, strict abortion restrictions in other US states have led many women to consider crossing state lines for necessary health services.




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