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Rhein: Attack on Trump is an attack on Democracy

The Hessian Minister-President comments on the attack on the Republican US presidential candidate.

Boris Rhein condemns the attack on Donald Trump (archive photo)
Boris Rhein condemns the attack on Donald Trump (archive photo)

US campaign - Rhein: Attack on Trump is an attack on Democracy

The Hessian Minister-President Boris Rhein (CDU) condemned the attack on the Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump. The attack was described as an "assault on democracy" by Rhein on the online platform X. "We decide with elections, not weapons! There is no place for political violence in enlightened societies", the head of government posted.

In response to the attack, the German government also expressed concern, viewing it as a threat to the principles of democracy shared between the United States of America and Germany. Boris Rhein, while in Wiesbaden, stressed the importance of peaceful elections, referring to the upcoming US election campaign. The CDU leader condemned any form of criminality, including political assassinations, and called for unity in upholding democratic values. Rumors circulated about potential protests in the Rhine area, prompting local authorities to increase security measures. Boris Rhein, known for his strong stance against violence, continued to advocate for peaceful political discourse, drawing parallels between the situation in the United States and the democratic processes in Hesse.

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