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Respect and pink hearts: Reactions to Biden's withdrawal

US-President Biden will not run for a second term in November. Politicians not only in Germany show respect for him. His wife has a special comment for him.

For his decision to withdraw from the US Presidency race, Biden gains respect.
For his decision to withdraw from the US Presidency race, Biden gains respect.

US campaign - Respect and pink hearts: Reactions to Biden's withdrawal

International, politicians US-President Joe Biden's decision to withdraw from the race for another term has been respected by many. In Germany, Biden is valued for his decision. CDU chief Friedrich Merz wrote on the platform X, Biden has served the American people for more than five decades. "His today's decision deserves great respect." The Kremlin is showing caution.

Kremlin shows initial reluctance

Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov reminded that Russian President Vladimir Putin had considered Biden a calculable candidate who was favorable for Russia. But: "The election is still four months away, and that is a long time for things to change," Peskov said regarding the US election in November. "We must be patient and closely observe what happens next." Russia's priority is to achieve the goals of the aggression war against Ukraine.

The chairman of the Russian State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, demanded that Biden be held accountable. "Biden has caused problems all over the world and in his own country, the United States," Volodin wrote on X. Biden should now "be held accountable: for the unleashed war in Ukraine, the destruction of the economies of European countries, the sanctions policy against Russia and other countries." According to the Russian narrative, the West bears responsibility for Russia's aggression war against Ukraine.

Reactions also from many German politicians

The Green party chairwoman Ricarda Lang declared on X: "Joe Biden has served his country impressively as president. And he does so even with this step. My greatest respect!" CDU foreign policy expert Norbert Röttgen wrote on X, Biden had "corrected his mistake, to run again, late, but not too late." Also that deserves great respect. "The Democratic Party now has the chance to turn the campaign around." SPD foreign policy expert Ralf Stegner wrote on X, it was an "expected bombshell in the USA". In the end, it was inevitable and necessary to defeat the republican candidate Donald Trump.

"Often difficult decisions made"

Top politicians from the Czech Republic and Poland paid tribute to Biden's achievements. "Dear President Joe Biden, you have made difficult decisions that have made Poland, America, and the world safer and democracy and freedom stronger," wrote the Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk on X. He is convinced that Biden made this decision based on his own judgment. It may be the most difficult decision in the life of the US Democrats.

"This is undoubtedly the decision of a statesman who has served his country for decades," wrote the Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala on X. "It is a responsible and personally difficult step, which deserves even more recognition," added the liberal-conservative politician. He gives the USA a thumbs up that a good president will emerge from the election in November.

Top Republican Johnson calls for Biden's resignation

The Republican chairman of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, called on Biden to resign immediately. "If Joe Biden is not capable of running for the office of President, then he is not capable of carrying out the duties of the President," McCarthy wrote on X. "He must immediately resign."

Two pink hearts from Jill's [husband]

Jill Biden commented on her husband's withdrawal with a heart emoji. The First Lady reposted, over her private account on platform X, the corresponding post from US-President Joe Biden with two pink hearts. Naomi Biden, granddaughter of US-President Joe Biden, declared, "I'm just proud" of her grandfather. He has not only been the most effective president of our time - and will continue to be, wrote the 30-year-old on X. "Our world is better in so many ways today because of him." He has likely already established himself as the most effective and impactful public servant in the history of the USA. "To the Americans who have always had his back: Stay hopeful." Naomi Biden is the daughter of Biden's son Hunter Biden.

Biden "a true patriot and great American"

Leading Democrat in the US Senate, Chuck Schumer, declared, Biden is not only an excellent president, but also a truly remarkable person. "His decision was certainly not easy, but he has once again put his country, his party, and our future first," Schumer wrote in a statement. Today shows that Biden is "a true patriot and great American."

  1. Despite Biden's decision to step down, the US election in November is still four months away, as mentioned by Dmitri Peskov from the Kremlin.
  2. Russian President Vladimir Putin had previously viewed Biden as a predictable candidate favorable for Russia, according to Kremlin spokesperson Dmitri Peskov.
  3. Volodin, the chairman of Russia's State Duma, criticized Biden for causing problems globally and in the United States and called for him to be held accountable.
  4. In Germany, Biden is admired for his decades of service to the American people, as expressed by CDU chief Friedrich Merz on platform X.
  5. Norbert Röttgen, a CDU foreign policy expert, praised Biden for correcting his mistake in deciding to run for another term.
  6. SPD foreign policy expert Ralf Stegner considered Biden's decision an expected bombshell in the USA, which was necessary to defeat Republican candidate Donald Trump.
  7. Prime Minister Donald Tusk of Poland honored Biden for making difficult decisions that strengthened democracy and freedom, while accepting that this decision was challenging for Biden.
  8. Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala also recognized Biden's decision as a responsible and difficult step, deserving of recognition, and expressed optimism that a good president will emerge from the November election.
  9. Republican Chairman of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy urged Biden to immediately resign, as he believed that Biden was unable to fulfill the duties of the presidency.
  10. In response to Biden's decision, First Lady Jill Biden shared two pink heart emojis on her private X account, and granddaughter Naomi Biden expressed pride and admiration for her grandfather.
  11. Leading Democrat in the US Senate Chuck Schumer commended Biden as a fantastic president and remarkable individual, who put his country first in his decision to step down for the US Election 2024.

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