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Researchers lament the implementation of "Save the Bees"

1,7 million people demanded more species- and nature protection in Bavaria in 2019. The government praises the implementation of the popular initiative, but from a scientific perspective, there is still much to improve.

Five years after the most successful petition in Bavaria, initiator Agnes Becker voices criticism...
Five years after the most successful petition in Bavaria, initiator Agnes Becker voices criticism over its implementation.

The implementation of the People's Initiative "Save the Bees" is not as far advanced as the state government claims, according to a scientific analysis. While progress can be recognized, out of 32 evaluated indicators, only nine are in the green zone, said Roman Lenz from the University of Applied Sciences Nürtingen-Geislingen. Lenz and his team have been analyzing the progress towards the goals based on all available data for years.

Six indicators are only in the yellow (mostly goals achieved) and six in the red (goals missed) zones, Lenz emphasized. At five indicators, the target values have been reached, but the quality assessment is still pending. And for some points, a final evaluation is unfortunately still not possible due to missing data. "We are happy to be instructed on what the correct data is", Lenz said.

As examples, Lenz mentioned the designation of forest areas - nationwide, 10% should be forested by 2023. However, it is unclear whether the figures given by the state government (2023: 10.6%) are correct. Here, the government counts a large part of the heather shrub in the state forest as forest, although no systematic logging is planned in these shrub complexes. If the 12,146 hectares of heather-krummholz shrub were removed, the forested area in the state forest would drop to only 9.1%.

Regarding the goal of halving pesticide use by 2028, Lenz urged that the goal could still be achieved with the right strategy by 2028. "What's important for achieving the goals is not just the quantity, but also the quality and effectiveness of each individual measure." The state government should therefore focus on a targeted implementation of the expansion of organic farming, the establishment of biotope networks, the reduction of pesticides, the improvement of water structures, and the preservation of meadow orchards.

On February 13, 2019, more than 1.7 million citizens signed the People's Initiative Biodiversity – "Save the Bees". This represented 18.3% of eligible voters and sent a clear signal for more biodiversity protection. On July 17, the Landtag adopted the People's Initiative. The state government announced in the previous week that almost 90% of the measures from the People's Initiative and the accompanying law had already been implemented.

  1. The People's Initiative "Save the Bees" is particularly focused on ecological aspects, aiming to protect nature and bolster biodiversity, including the welfare of Bees in the region of Bavaria.
  2. In the field of Agriculture, it's crucial to maintain a balance between productivity and nature protection, ensuring levels of pesticide use are reduced and organic farming expands, for the well-being of Bavaria's ecosystems.
  3. The city of Munich, as a part of Bavaria, plays a significant role in this endeavor, serving as a model for sustainable urban development and ecological practices within its urban landscape.
  4. The success and effectiveness of the People's Initiative will ultimately rely on the collaboration of stakeholders, including citizens, environmental organizations, and the government, working together to address these pressing ecological issues.

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