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Researchers issue alerts about escalating instances of intense downpours and other severe climate-related occurrences

Experts issue caution over the potential escalation of severe downpours and other intense...
Experts issue caution over the potential escalation of severe downpours and other intense meteorological occurrences.

Climate experts like Hermann Lotze-Campen from PIK are sounding the alarm due to the escalating global warming, predicting more frequent occurrences of heavy rain and other extreme weather events. According to Lotze-Campen, speaking on ZDF on Tuesday, this trend is set to continue as temperatures rise. Local associations are urging federal and state governments for increased support due to the rising flood risks.

Heavy rainfall is leading to more rainfall over the oceans, Lotze-Campen, who oversees the climate resilience department at PIK, explained. He emphasized that the likelihood of these extreme events increasing is undeniable, a direct consequence of human-driven climate change.

No one is safe from such extreme rain events, Lotze-Campen stated, referencing the recent flood-like conditions and ensuing flooding in Central and Eastern European countries. He expressed hope that all communities learn from these events and invest in dams, water storage, or floodplains.

Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf from PIK concurred, telling ARD that as a result of global warming, extreme rain will become both more intense and frequent. This has long been a warning from the scientific community, he noted. Rahmstorf urged more action to combat climate change, stating that a stable and more predictable climate can only be achieved when net CO2 emissions reach zero.

The dire consequences of human-induced climate change have become increasingly apparent in recent years, according to Niklas Höhne, director of the New Climate Institute. Speaking on Deutschlandfunk on Tuesday, Höhne pointed out that the current flood disaster is a clear indicator of this devastating impact.

The increase in heavy rainfall can contribute to rising sea levels due to the melting of polar ice caps, as a result of global warming. This escalating trend is not only affecting coastal regions but also leading to more frequent flash floods inland.

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