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Study: More young children have access to digital devices

Media use


Study: More young children have access to digital devices

More kindergarten children have access to their own smart devices. This is based on the representative "miniKIM-Study" on media handling by children aged two to five. In 2023, one out of every fifth kindergarten child had their own tablet - a 50% increase compared to 2020.

According to parents, one in ten children in this age group already have their own smartphone or cell phone. Forty-two percent of parents reported that their child does not personally own any digital devices.

The study series was conducted by the Media Pedagogical Research Association South (mpfs), a cooperation of the Baden-Württemberg Media Authority (LFK) and the Media Authority Rhineland-Palatinate in collaboration with SWR (Southwest Broadcasting).

In September of the previous year, 600 parents were surveyed online about their children's media use in the age group of two to five. According to their own statements, the study is representative for German-speaking online households in Germany. The study also records the daily usage duration, preferred media selection, and daily activities of the children.

  1. Infants who attend kindergarten increasingly own personal devices, such as tablets, as indicated by the "miniKIM-Study" on media handling.
  2. The study also reveals that a substantial number of infants, even as young as two years old, are already accessing media through their own smartphones or cell phones, according to parents.
  3. As more and more infants engage in media use through personal devices, further studies are necessary to understand the potential impacts on their development and well-being.

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