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Request for analysis of drugs in Berlin exceeds supply

1818 experiments examined

Request for analysis of drugs in Berlin exceeds supply
Request for analysis of drugs in Berlin exceeds supply

Request for analysis of drugs in Berlin exceeds supply

**The demand for analyzing drugs in Berlin significantly exceeds the supply. According to an answer from the Senate Department for Science, Health, and Care in response to a written inquiry from the Green Fraction, which was obtained by the German Press Agency, 1,818 samples were examined in the first year of the Drugchecking project. 785 requests were reportedly denied. There were 848 warnings given, for example, due to high dosages, misrepresentation, or contamination. The RBB reported this initially.

MDMA was tested most frequently (453), followed by Cathinone (354) and Amphetamine derivatives (284). Cocaine (280) and Ketamine derivatives (184) were also frequently tested. Since the beginning of the year 2024, there has been a slight increase in Cathinones, it is stated. The number of samples was significantly higher in August 2023.

The offer for substance analysis is aimed at addicts who consume daily, but also at partygoers who only consume drugs at the weekend. The substances are analyzed in a neutral laboratory.

The Berlin project makes a valuable contribution to the prevention of dangerous consumption patterns, misuse, and overdoses, said the Green Party spokesperson for drug policy, Vasili Franco. The project reaches consumers who have not been reached by existing prevention and counseling offers before. Consumers of illegal substances also have a right to health protection.**

  1. Given the high demand for drug analysis in Berlin, some individuals may be disappointed as they were offered substance analysis, but their requests were denied due to various reasons.
  2. The Drugchecking project in Berlin, which involves analyzing various drugs like MDMA, Cathinone, and Amphetamine derivatives, has seen an increase in Cathinones since the beginning of 2024.
  3. The Senate Department for Science, Health, and Care in Berlin, in response to an inquiry, revealed that they conducted tests on 1,818 drug samples in the first year of the project, but had to deny 785 requests due to various reasons.

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