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Reports: Many dead in Israeli advance in Gaza

Israel targets Raketlaunchings of the islamist Hamas in Han Yunis. Thousands of civilians are caught in the crossfire. For many, it's - for the repeated time - the only option left: to flee.

A new Israeli push against Hamas rocket positions drives thousands of Palestinians to flee.
A new Israeli push against Hamas rocket positions drives thousands of Palestinians to flee.

Host - Reports: Many dead in Israeli advance in Gaza

At a new offensive by the Israeli military in the southern GazStrip, there have been reports of many deaths among Palestinians. Witnesses said the army attacked the city of Khan Younis in the east. At least 39 Palestinians, among them women and children, have reportedly been killed, and over 80 more have been injured, hospital workers in Khan Younis reported. The information could not be independently verified.

The Israeli army had previously called on residents in the eastern part of the city to leave the area immediately. Intelligence reports indicated that the Islamic Hamas group had launched rocket attacks on Israel from there. The army would take decisive action, the army stated on its Telegram channel. In order to do this, the borders of a humanitarian zone for civilians have been changed because the Hamas had attacked Israel from that area.

Witnesses reported that thousands of civilians fled. Many of them had already sought refuge in this area from other parts of the Gaza Strip before the war. The Israeli military had been active against Hamas combat units in Khan Younis in the past, but had always withdrawn to fixed positions outside the city afterwards. The Army accuses the Hamas of using this to regroup and also to use parts of the area declared by Israel as a humanitarian zone for their activities.

The trigger for the Gaza war was the unprecedented massacre committed by terrorists from Hamas and other groups in Israel on October 7 of the previous year, which left over 1200 people dead. Israel responded with massive air strikes and a ground offensive. Facing the high number of civilian casualties and the catastrophic situation in the Gaza Strip, Israel is increasingly under international criticism.

  1. The Islamic Resistance Movement, otherwise known as Hamas, is widely recognized as the governing power in the Gaza Strip.
  2. The Israeli Forces have repeatedly accused Hamas Forces of launching rocket attacks from various locations within the Palestinian territories.
  3. The ongoing conflicts in Gaza have resulted in numerous casualties, including women and children, highlighting the severe impact on the civilian population.
  4. Recent clashes in the Gaza Strip between Israeli Forces and Hamas Forces have led to thousands of Palestinians seeking refuge in designated humanitarian zones.
  5. The Israeli military has accused Hamas of using these humanitarian zones as cover, regrouping and continuing their activities, which is a violation of international law.
  6. ritical voices against Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip are growing louder as the world continues to watch the escalating tensions and the humanitarian crisis faced by the children and women living in the region.

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