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Reports: Biden rejects withdrawal in letter to Democrats

Recently, there have been increasing calls within US President Biden's party for him to make way for a new candidate in the race for the White House. The Democrat clearly rejects these demands.

US President Joe Biden insists on staying in the race for the White House.
US President Joe Biden insists on staying in the race for the White House.

US election campaign - Reports: Biden rejects withdrawal in letter to Democrats

US-President Joe Biden reportedly rejected demands from democratic congressmembers, as per media reports, for him to drop out of the race in a letter. "I am resolutely determined to stay in the race until the end and defeat Donald Trump," Biden wrote in the two-page document, which was obtained by CNN and the "New York Times."

In the past few days, he conducted extensive talks with party leaders, elected officials, and voters, he continued. "I have listened to the concerns of the people - their sincere fears and anxieties about what is at stake in this election. I am not oblivious to them." However, he would not withdraw if he was not absolutely convinced he was the best candidate to win against his Republican challenger Trump.

In the democratic primaries, millions of women and men cast their votes, Biden added. This should be acknowledged: "Shall we just say that the process means nothing? That voters have no say? I refuse to do that."

  1. Joe Biden's decision to remain in the #USElection2024 race was made clear in a letter sent to the White House, where he expressed his determination to defeat Republican challenger Donald Trump.
  2. As the US Presidential election campaign heats up, Biden has been engaging in extensive talks with party leaders, elected officials, and voters in the USA, acknowledging their concerns about the election.
  3. Despite pressure from some democratic congressmembers, Biden is not considering dropping out of the race, citing his confidence in being the best candidate to represent the Democrats against Donald Trump in the upcoming election.
  4. The upcoming #USElection2024 is shaping up to be a significant battle between the Democratic candidate Joe Biden and Republican nominee Donald Trump, with the choice between the two leaders likely to shape the future of the USA.

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