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Reporter aids in constructing explosive device in Lebanon

Reporter aids in constructing explosive device in Lebanon

A journalist from the popular Israeli TV channel N12 aided soldiers in destroying a building in southern Lebanon. This action, which took place during a mission, attracted criticism due to the journalistic nature of the individual's profession. As troops prepared to secure and demolish a building from which hostile fire originated, a soldier handed the journalist a detonator. Following orders, the journalist activated the device.

Upon observation, smoke billowed from the demolished site. The journalist declared, facing the camera, "A house with a stockpile of ammunition, offering a clear view of Israel, has been reduced to ashes - one less possible menace to the Israeli state."

Israeli media peers voiced their dissent on social media, labeling the journalist's actions as a "disgrace to journalism." Another weighed in, stating, "The job is to report, not to destroy. If you wish to engage in combat, wear a uniform." The reporter's actions also potentially put other journalists at risk, as their independence might now be questioned. Neither the army nor the television station initially responded to the incident.

Despite the journalist's role in aiding in the demolition, many questioned his ethical boundaries, arguing, "Even if he was assisting in a military operation, journalism's primary duty is to report, not to engage in destructive activities." Furthermore, his actions raised concerns about the impartiality of future reports, with one critic saying, "Now that he has crossed the line into active participation, can we truly trust his objectivity as a journalist?"

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