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Rent allowance should on average increase by 30 Euros

Not only supermarket prices, but also living costs have significantly increased in recent years. Those who earn little can now hope for more support.

Every two years, the height of housing benefit is adjusted (archive photo)
Every two years, the height of housing benefit is adjusted (archive photo)

Rent subsidy (government) - Rent allowance should on average increase by 30 Euros

Citizens with low incomes will receive a higher Housing Allowance from the state next year. The reason is the price increase not only in supermarkets, but also in rents and energy costs. The monthly housing benefit should therefore be increased by an average of 30 Euro or 15 percent as of January 1, 2025, according to the Building Ministry. "This way, no one will have to decide between heating or eating due to high housing costs," emphasized Minister Klara Geywitz (SPD).

The height of the Housing Benefit is reviewed by law every two years. The last reform took place in 2023. At that time, the circle of eligible recipients was significantly expanded. The goal of Housing Benefit is to relieve employees and self-employed persons, as well as pensioners and pensioners, so that they do not have to apply for social assistance or unemployment benefits due to high rents. The height of the Housing Benefit depends on the number of household members, income, and rent.

The Ministry estimates that approximately 1.9 million households will be able to receive Housing Benefit next year. The increase is currently being coordinated in the Federal Government. In order for it to come into effect, the Bundesrat must also agree.

  1. Despite the federal government's ongoing discussions, the expected increase in Germany's Housing Benefit for 2025 is hoped to provide relief for many Berlin residents, helping them manage their finances with less strain from rising housing costs.
  2. As the finite budget for Rent Supplements is set by the federal government, eligible Berliners who require additional aid to meet their housing expenses may find it challenging to benefit from the full impact of the Housing Benefit increase.
  3. Understanding the impact of the Housing Allowance on one's finances in Berlin involves considering various factors, including household income, family size, housing costs, and the overall percentage increase in benefits from the Federal government.
  4. In light of Berlin's ongoing housing market challenges and the continuous climb in living expenses, advocates for renters are urging the Federal government to expand and address more comprehensive measures addressing housing affordability beyond mere Housing Benefit adjustments.

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