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Renewable Energy Focus at Tarmstedt Exhibition

The Tarmstedt Fair attracts thousands of people every year. The renewable energy industry uses the show as a networking event and platform for public relations.

Renewable Energy is the focus theme at Tarmstedt Exhibition
Renewable Energy is the focus theme at Tarmstedt Exhibition

Energy - Renewable Energy Focus at Tarmstedt Exhibition

Questions regarding the Energy Transition and Renewable Energy are among the key themes of the 74th Tarmstedt Exhibition starting today in the Rotenburg/Wümme district. The bioenergy industry and the Lower Saxony/Bremen Renewable Energy Association (LEE) have been present at the fair in Tarmstedt for many years, said LEE managing director Silke Weyberg: "This year, we have an entire hall with 22 exhibitors." The exhibition has become a kind of industry meeting.

The interest in this topic is great. Politically, the expansion of Renewable Energy has been set. "Now it's about what the individual citizen gets from it, what the economy gets from it," said Weyberg. The focus is on value creation for the region. Their association presented a study at the beginning of the year, according to which the Landkreis Rotenburg/Wümme could calculate up to 1.1 billion Euros by the year 2040, it was stated. Of this, around 725 million Euros would fall on the regional economy, for example in the form of rent payments or contracts, such as for cable laying and foundation work.

Value creation and grid expansion in focus

Important for the industry is now the grid expansion, and thus the question of how wind, solar, or biogas energy gets into the grid and how it can be stored, said Weyberg. "We hold a talk round on different topics every day."

For the politically desired rapid expansion of Renewable Energy, the municipalities must receive clear guidelines from the authorities to issue permits, demanded Weyberg. The issue of species protection is also challenging for the industry, and clear measures are needed from the state politics. Their association is demanding that biogas plants also play a role in communal heating planning.

100,000 visitors expected

The organizers expect around 100,000 visitors for the four-day Tarmstedt Exhibition. The agricultural show is not only a popular destination for farmers in northern Germany, but also attracts whole families.

For the opening, Niedersachsen's Economics Minister Olaf Lies (SPD) is invited, who will give a speech. In addition to energy talks, discussions on Artificial Intelligence in agriculture and on agricultural and economic policy in rural areas are planned.

Popular highlights include a horse show at the four exhibition days, the 27th Meat Cattle Show, where "Miss and Mister Tarmstedt" are crowned, and the statewide young breeder competition on Sunday.

  1. The Rotenburg/Wümme district, located in Lower Saxony, is the host of the Tarmstedt Exhibition, where discussions about the energy transition and renewable energy are the main themes.
  2. The bioenergy industry and the Lower Saxony/Bremen Renewable Energy Association (LEE) have a significant presence at the Tarmstedt Exhibition, with an entire hall dedicated to 22 exhibitors.
  3. On the topic of value creation and grid expansion for renewable energy, LEE presented a study at the beginning of the year, suggesting that the Landkreis Rotenburg/Wümme could potentially gain up to 1.1 billion Euros by 2040.
  4. During the exhibition, LEE holds talk rounds every day to address various aspects of grid expansion, energy storage, and the role of biogas plants in communal heating planning.
  5. The Tarmstedt Exhibition is not only popular among farmers in Lower Saxony and Bremen but also attracts entire families, offering leisure activities such as horse shows, meat cattle shows, and young breeder competitions.

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