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Record of sick leave in Bavaria in the first half-year

The employees in Bavaria were unusually often sick-recorded in the first half of the year. Nevertheless, they performed well in comparison to the federal level.

Above all respiratory diseases caused recently high absenteeism at work (symbol image)
Above all respiratory diseases caused recently high absenteeism at work (symbol image)

Respiratory conditions - Record of sick leave in Bavaria in the first half-year

Bavarian employees of the KKH health insurance had more sick days than usual in the first half of the year. Both the number of sick days and the average sickness rate reached record highs, according to an analysis of insured data by the KKH health insurance. This trend was also observed nationwide by the KKH. The main cause of this, it seems, were respiratory diseases. There are no specific Bayern figures for the causes.

In the Free State, there were 192 illness cases per 100 employed KKH members in the first half of the year. This was 5 more than in the previous year and the highest value since the recording began in 2015, almost equating to 2 illnesses per person. The sickness rate, which indicates the proportion of sick-listed employees among the insured working population, was 5.6% and remained the same as the previous year. These are also the highest values since recording began. For comparison: In 2019, there were 113 cases per 100 members or a sickness rate of 4.3%.

In the federal comparison, Bavarian employees are relatively healthy. Only Baden-Württemberg and Hamburg had lower sickness rates of 5.4% and 5.5% respectively. The highest rate was determined by the KKH to be 8.1% in Sachsen-Anhalt. The German average is 6.5%.

Only sick notes issued by doctors were included in the survey, not simple sick reports by employees. Overall, absences may therefore still be significantly higher.

  1. To get back to work, some Bavarian employees required a medical certificate due to their respiratory diseases.
  2. The KKH health insurance's record shows an increase in the number of medical certificates issued for respiratory diseases in the first half of the year.
  3. The high sickness rate in Bavaria was significantly contributed to by the high number of medical records related to respiratory diseases.
  4. The increase in respiratory disease cases resulted in an unusual surge in the issuance of medical certificates, as noted in the Hannover-based KKH's records.

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