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Rear-end collision - 86-year-old dies

A female driver got into the opposite traffic lane while turning and had an accident. It ended tragically.

An 86-year-old driver collides with another car near Krefeld while driving against the traffic.
An 86-year-old driver collides with another car near Krefeld while driving against the traffic.

frontal crash - Rear-end collision - 86-year-old dies

A 86-year-old woman collided with a minibus in opposite traffic in Willich and was fatally injured. The 47-year-old minibus driver sustained serious injuries, according to the police. The senior woman reportedly veered onto the wrong side of the road this afternoon in the Neersen district at the exit of a long right-hand turn. There, her car collided head-on with the minibus. The 86-year-old could only be rescued from her car lifelessly. It was still unclear why she left the road in the city near Krefeld. The police are investigating.

The collision between the elderly woman's car and the minibus occurred in a frontal crash in Willich. The incident involved a minibus and a 86-year-old woman driving a car. The accident resulted in severe injuries for the minibus driver and the unfortunate death of the elderly woman. The police are conducting an investigation to determine the cause of the accident, which took place in the North Rhine-Westphalia region. The incident disrupted traffic in the area, leading to delays for motorists traveling in counter traffic.

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