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Raser records cyclists on Usedom

A 66-year-old man, according to police findings, drives too fast and hits a cyclist. The man is thrown to the opposite side of the road.

With 100 hours of driving, a driver overtakes a cyclist
With 100 hours of driving, a driver overtakes a cyclist

Heavy accident - Raser records cyclists on Usedom

With significantly higher speed, a 66-year-old man was on the B111 on the island of Usedom and hit a bicyclist. According to the police, the accident occurred in the Wolgaster district of Mahlzow. The 38-year-old bicyclist was thrown from his bike and fell several meters away on the grassy shoulder of the opposite side of the road.

The bicyclist sustained severe injuries and had to be flown to the University Clinic in Greifswald by helicopter for treatment. According to the police's initial findings, the driver was traveling at 100 kilometers per hour in the area - the speed limit is 60. Apparently, due to the excessive speed, he failed to notice the bicyclist and struck him. The B111 was closed for nearly three hours for the accident investigation and cleanup.

The driver's license of the 66-year-old was secured. He is being investigated for participating in an unauthorized vehicle race. According to the police, there was another driver, a 47-year-old, on the B111 at the same time as the 66-year-old and the bicyclist. He too was reportedly driving over 100 kilometers per hour in the area.

  1. Due to the accident on the B111 in Mahlzow, which is part of the Wolgast district in Usedom, traffic was heavily affected in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern for several hours.
  2. The police are examining whether the 66-year-old driver, involved in the high-speed accident on the B111, was participating in an unauthorized traffic event with another driver, who was also reportedly driving at excessively high speeds.
  3. According to the police, the number of traffic accidents on the B111 in Usedom has increased due to the high speeds at which drivers often travel, endangering the safety of other road users, such as the 38-year-old bicyclist who was severely injured in the recent accident.

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