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Ramelow may form an alliance with BSW; Voigt doesn't dismiss prospective cooperation.

CDU individual expresses a preference.

CDU top candidate Voigt can imagine working with the BSW, but not with Bodo Ramelow's Left Party...
CDU top candidate Voigt can imagine working with the BSW, but not with Bodo Ramelow's Left Party (left).

Ramelow may form an alliance with BSW; Voigt doesn't dismiss prospective cooperation.

Eastern Germany's BSW wields influence and could influence post-election government negotiations in Thuringia. Both the CDU and the Left party are open to talks with it. However, Ramelow and Voigt differ on the feasibility of a partnership.

Thuringia's Minister-President Bodo Ramelow doesn't dismiss the idea of a three-way coalition with the CDU and the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) following September 1st's state elections. He told the "Rheinische Post" and the Bonn "General-Anzeiger": "I'm gonna fight for my party to get the mandate from the voters to form the government on Sept 1st. If someone else's clearly ahead, they'll get the mandate, and I'll back 'em. That's also clear to Mario Voigt. The only party I won't work with is the AfD."

Looking at the current polls, Ramelow sees "no discernible majorities according to a reliable pattern." Regarding the state CDU, he said: "It's bloody absurd to villainize the Left, but excluding cooperation with the BSW isn't."

Thuringia's CDU leader Mario Voigt justifies this by citing significant overlaps between his party and the BSW. "The BSW's a big black box," Voigt told the "Tagesspiegel." There aren't many candidates from the party yet. "But what I hear from the BSW on migration and education in Thuringia is more realistic than what I hear from the Greens, Left, or SPD." The CDU politician, who aims to become Minister-President in the fall, continued:

Voigt is open to a coalition with the BSW in Thuringia. "I don't dig exclusivity," explained the CDU presidium member. "I want stable relationships in the state, but I make it clear that the CDU won't abandon its fundamental principles." The CDU aims to implement as much of its policy as possible from a position of strength. "The citizens want less illegal migration, a growing economy, and regular education." For that, his party will fight.

Ramelow: "Wagenknecht's a ghost candidate"

Regarding the possibility of mediating a coalition between his party and the BSW after Sahra Wagenknecht and her followers departed from the Left, Ramelow replied: "It's ironic: The BSW's gaining ground right now. Yet, Sahra Wagenknecht's a ghost candidate. She was a ghost candidate during the European elections and local elections. She's on all the posters, but she's not running in Thuringia."

According to the latest Infratest Dimap survey commissioned by MDR, the right-wing AfD would receive 28% of the votes in Thuringia, the CDU 23%, and the BSW 21%. Ramelow's former coalition partner, the SPD, would only receive 11% of the votes, and the Greens would miss the threshold for entering the Landtag with 4%.

Read also:

  1. Sahra Wagenknecht's Alliance for workers and social justice (BSW) has gained significant traction in the polls leading up to the State elections in Thuringia, positioning itself as a potential coalition partner for both The Left and the CDU.
  2. In the wake of the potential coalition with BSW, Thuringia's Minister-President Bodo Ramelow criticized Wagenknecht, labeling her as "a ghost candidate" due to her absence in local elections.
  3. Despite their differences, BSW has emerged as a key player in Post-election government negotiations in Thuringia, with both The Left and the CDU expressing openness to negotiating with the party, signifying a potential shift in political alignment during the State elections.



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