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Rail traffic at Cottbus main station restricted

After a signal fault and the complete breakdown of train services around Cottbus, trains to and from Berlin are running again. Other connections are restricted. This may continue.

The signals at Cottbus main station are faulty (symbolic image)
The signals at Cottbus main station are faulty (symbolic image)

Signals disturbed - Rail traffic at Cottbus main station restricted

The transport around Cottbus Main Railway Station is still restricted. After a signaling disruption and a temporary halt of all trains on Monday, only one side of the station could be approached on Tuesday as well, according to Deutsche Bahn. However, the operation of trains departing and arriving on the western side of the station towards and from Berlin is mostly normal again. Trains in the opposite direction, to and from Poland and Frankfurt an der Oder, have to stop and continue their journey with rail replacement transport before reaching Cottbus Main Railway Station. The cause of the disruption has not been definitively determined yet. An end to the disruption is also not yet predictable.

The signal interference at the Cottbus Main Railway Station disrupted rail traffic, affecting both local and long-distance trains. The railroad incident caused significant difficulty at Berlin's central station as well, impacting traffic flows. The disruption also affected railroad traffic between Cottbus and Brandenburg, leading to delays and alterations in schedules. Passengers traveling to Frankfurt an der Oder or Poland had to switch to rail replacement transport due to the interruption at Cottbus Main Railway Station.

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