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Raids before EM-Finale in - Plot by Islamists?

Concern over potential terrorist threats during the UEFA Euro was great. After the end of the tournament, it was announced that the police had taken action against suspects based on a tip.

English fans celebrate before the EURO final in Berlin.
English fans celebrate before the EURO final in Berlin.

Terrorism - Raids before EM-Finale in - Plot by Islamists?

Due to concerns about an im imminent Islamic terrorist attack, Police intervened directly before the UEFA European Football Championship final against three men. Their residences in Potsdam were searched by Special Operations Commando Teams from Brandenburg and Berlin, as a Police spokesperson revealed upon inquiry.

The suspects were examined based on police preventive measures legislation and detained. In Berlin, precautionary security measures were taken into account for the finale at the Olympiastadion in the evening. However, "there are no indications of concrete attack plans," the spokesperson said. "The operation for the EURO final in Berlin proceeded without any special incidents or occurrences related to the threat warning," she added.

Report: Suspects under Surveillance

According to their statements, the Police received a tip regarding a potential upcoming attack. Whether this tip came from the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Germany or abroad, the spokesperson did not say. Further details about the background of the operation could not be disclosed "for investigative tactical reasons," it was stated.

According to "Bild" newspaper, the Men had already been under observation by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution because they were known IS supporters. According to the newspaper's information, they took photos of the Memorial Church and the surrounding area with their cell phones on July 13th - apparently, to scout the area and security measures.

Thousands of Fans to the EURO Final in Berlin

Traditionally, football fans gather at the place before a game to celebrate. Thousands of English fans prepared themselves for the EURO final between the English and Spanish national teams. Thousands of Spanish fans celebrated near the Olympiastadion. Additionally, thousands of people followed the EURO final at the fan zones near the Brandenburg Gate and Reichstag building.

At the Christmas market on Breitscheidplatz, 13 people were killed in an Islamic terrorist attack about eight years ago - one of them later died from the consequences. More than 70 people were injured, some severely. An Islamic terrorist had stolen a truck on December 19, 2016, then driven it into the Christmas market at Kurfürstendamm. The attacker fled to Italy, where he was shot by police.

  1. The raids on the suspects' residences in Potsdam were conducted by police forces from both Brandenburg and Berlin, which are located in Germany.
  2. Despite the raids, the police spokesperson revealed that there were no concrete attack plans identified, which was a relief for the upcoming UEFA European Football Championship final in Berlin.
  3. The three men under investigation were suspected of Islamist extremism, as reported by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Germany or possibly from another country.
  4. The EURO final in Berlin proceeded without any significant incidents or occurrences related to the terrorism threat warning, according to the police spokesperson.
  5. The constitutional protection authorities in Potsdam had previously been monitoring the activities of these men due to their support for the extremist group IS.
  6. The area around the Memorial Church and the Olympiastadion in Berlin were of particular interest to the suspects, as they were seen taking photos of the areas with their cell phones.
  7. The Christmas market on Breitscheidplatz in Berlin is a significant location in Germany's history, having been the site of a devastating Islamic terrorist attack in 2016, leading to 14 fatalities and numerous injuries.

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