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Radioactive area experiences flame incident

Ukrainian forest firefighters are confronting a blaze in the radioactively restricted area encompassing the decommissioned Chernobyl nuclear power facility. Russia, exhibiting opposition towards the conflict, is not implicated as the trigger.

The steel arch now shields the degraded 1986 reactor, initially authorized at Chernobyl's nuclear...
The steel arch now shields the degraded 1986 reactor, initially authorized at Chernobyl's nuclear power station, from the damaging effects of wind and precipitation.

Ukraine experiences forest blaze - Radioactive area experiences flame incident

A blaze has erupted in the radioactive no-go zone surrounding the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine. As per the Kyiv region governor Ruslan Kravchenko's post on Facebook, around 20 hectares are currently engulfed in flames. Yet, the radiation levels remain within acceptable parameters. Approximately 200 firefighters, including 50 soldiers, are tackling the inferno and have managed to curb its spread.

Consequently, the authorities warn of heightened smoke levels due to this fire and other peat fires in the Browary district east of Kyiv. They recommend keeping windows shut and reducing outdoor activities. The origin of the fire remains unknown.

The summer heat and prolonged drought have elevated the fire risk in the northern part of Kyiv. The year 1986 witnessed the most severe nuclear disaster globally at the Chernobyl plant in northern Ukraine, then under the Soviet Union. In response, an area approximately 30 kilometers away from the incident was quarantined due to high radiation levels. Thousands were evacuated. Unbelievably, despite this, the Russian troops exploited the largely abandoned exclusion zone along the Belarusian border for their assault towards Kyiv, about 80 kilometers from the border, during their invasion in February 2022. However, they retreated in April 2022, with Ukraine maintaining enhanced surveillance over the border region with Belarus, an ally of Russia.

The European Union expresses concern over the ongoing fire near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and its potential impact on the environment. The authorities in the European Union advise their citizens to avoid traveling to the affected areas in Ukraine.

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