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Quartet under investigation for robbery in Rosenheim

In February, a man was robbed in his Rosenheimer apartment. The police have arrested four suspects. They are in custody for investigation.

After a robbery in Rosenheim, the police arrested a quartet of suspects.(Image).
After a robbery in Rosenheim, the police arrested a quartet of suspects.(Image).

Apprehensions - Quartet under investigation for robbery in Rosenheim

After a robbery in Rosenheim in February, the police have arrested four suspects. Two suspects were stopped immediately after the crime in a getaway car. Later, another suspect was apprehended, and finally, on a Thursday, the fourth member of the gang was also arrested, according to the police.

All four were in custody. The Police had refrained from commenting on the case in the media, according to their own statements, to avoid jeopardizing the investigation.

On February 6th, a 24-year-old was robbed in his apartment in Rosenheim by several men. One of the robbers had pretended to deliver a pizza to the apartment door and, according to police reports, entered the apartment with two other men. The armed robbers attempted to restrain the 24-year-old, beat him up, and stole money.

The robbery in Rosenheim was a notable instance of criminality in the region. The arrests of the four suspects were a significant step towards solving the burglary case in Bavaria. Subsequently, the police in Rosenheim utilized investigative detention to interrogate the individuals, gathering crucial information about the burglary.

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