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Putin pardons cannibals after Ukraine operation

Ritual murderer also released

Denis Gorin murdered at least four people and ate two of them. He is now a free man and active
Denis Gorin murdered at least four people and ate two of them. He is now a free man and active on social networks

Putin pardons cannibals after Ukraine operation

The Kremlin promises a pardon to imprisoned criminals for a six-month deployment on the front line in Ukraine. Apparently the government keeps its word and releases even the worst criminals, be it a cannibal or a Satanist ritual murderer.

In Russia, a convicted serial killer and cannibal has been released from prison early after serving in the Ukraine war. The 44-year-old Denis Gorin, who was recruited in a prison by the mercenary group Wagner, has been pardoned by Russian President Vladimir Putin, several Russian media reported. The man murdered at least four people and nine other victims are suspected. According to the court, he ate the remains of his victims in at least two cases.

Denis Gorin, now 44, was first convicted of murder in 2003. Together with his brother, he killed an acquaintance on the Far Eastern island of Sakhalin and then ate parts of the body. Gorin was sent to prison for ten years, of which he only served seven: he was released in 2010 for good behavior.

In the same year, he stabbed another acquaintance to death in his home town of Aniwa. After the murder, he decided to "remember the old days, namely to cut off the victim's flesh and then eat it", according to the court file. In 2011, Denis Gorin and his brother killed a man and buried his body on the banks of the river. They committed another murder at the beginning of 2012. The two murderers were not caught until five years later.

Fridge "filled to the brim with human flesh"

As Gorin's neighbor Dmitrij, who was present at the arrest, told the news portal "Sibir. Realii", the police discovered a fridge in Gorin's apartment that was "filled to the brim with human meat". Gorin also led the investigators to a pit containing the remains of the victims. He had seen twelve bodies there, said Dmitrij. However, as only three bodies could be identified, Gorin was sentenced to 22 years in prison for three counts of murder.

Five years later, Gorin is a free man again. On October 24, he published a photo of himself in military uniform on the Russian social network "Odnoklassniki". As his neighbor Dmitry, who according to his own words had fought as a volunteer in Ukraine, explained, Gorin is currently in a hospital in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the capital of the Sakhalin region, with a moderate injury. Gorin was at least the 17th murderer to be pardoned by Putin for his participation in the war against Ukraine.

Satanist sect murders four teenagers

It only became known on Tuesday that Nikolai Ogolobyak, the quadruple murderer from Yaroslavl, was also pardoned by President Putin after six months on the front in Ukraine. This was confirmed by his father to the pro-Kremlin news site In 2006, the then teenager and his friends founded a "Satanist sect". According to its members, the group killed cats and dogs for ritual purposes, crucified them and destroyed cemetery monuments. As the cult members admitted after their arrest, they had once dug up a fresh grave of a young woman and desecrated the body. They then cut out the heart and kidneys of the dead woman and ate them.

In 2008, the gang murdered four young people in a wooded area within two days. They dismembered the bodies, roasted some body parts over the fire and ate parts of them. The blood of the victims was used to initiate new cult members.

Two weeks later, the remains of the victims were found in the forest and the members of the gang were arrested. Among those arrested, Ogolobjak received the highest sentence - 20 years in prison. He was supposed to be in prison until 2030, but has now been released. The 33-year-old returned from the front seriously injured and is now disabled, his father told the portal.

  1. Following his deployment in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin granted a pardon to Denis Gorin, a convicted cannibal who served in the Wagner mercenary group.
  2. The Kremlin's amnesty policy extends even to individuals with severe criminal records, such as a Satanist murderer from Yaroslavl named Nikolai Ogolobyak, who was also pardoned after completing six months on the front line in Ukraine.
  3. The release of such individuals has raised concerns within Ukrainian and international communities, with some questions being raised about the morality and ethics of allowing individuals accused of heinous crimes like cannibalism and murder and manslaughter to rejoin society.
  4. The Wagner mercenary group, which has been linked to Russia's involvement in the conflict in Ukraine, has recruited numerous prisoners with criminal backgrounds for their operations, including individuals with convictions for cannibalism and murder, leading to concerns about the group's ethics and morals.




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