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Putin emphasizes willingness to negotiate in Ukraine war

Russia and China advocate a new world order in their Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The war in Ukraine is also on the agenda at the summit in Astana.

Reunion in Kazakhstan: Following their meeting in Beijing in May, China's party and head of state...
Reunion in Kazakhstan: Following their meeting in Beijing in May, China's party and head of state Xi Jinping and Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin now want to raise the profile of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Astana.

International relations - Putin emphasizes willingness to negotiate in Ukraine war

Putin, the chief of the Kremlin, has emphasized Russia's readiness for peace negotiations regarding its attack on Ukraine to several leaders. At the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) for Security, Putin stated that Russia has always advocated for a political-diplomatic resolution of the conflict. Moscow, which has been conducting a destructive war against Ukraine for over two years, recently made proposals for ending combat operations, Putin said in Astana, the capital city of the central Asian republic of Kazakhstan. Moscow insists that Ukraine renounces occupied territories, which Kiev refuses.

Russia is grateful to the SCO states for their peace initiative proposals, Putin said. "Russia is certainly ready to consider these ideas and initiatives," he added. Simultaneously, he accused the USA and their allies once again of instigating the Ukraine conflict.

In his confrontation with the West, Putin aspires to build a new world order – in place of "eurocentric or euro-Atlantic models," which he believes have led to a growing number of crises in the world. "The multipolar world has already become a reality," Putin declared in his summit speech. Putin expressed confidence that the SCO and the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, as well as other nations) would be the cornerstones of the new world order.

New Chairmanship

China will assume the upcoming chairmanship of the SCO until 2025, according to Chinese state television. State and government chief Xi Jinping called on member nations in his speech to strengthen their unity and resist "external influences" together.

The SCO, founded initially for counter-terrorism in 2001, includes Belarus as a new member, India, Pakistan, Iran, and the central Asian states of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not attending the summit; he will visit Russia afterward, according to Russian sources. The SCO intends to broaden its thematic scope significantly and also establish an Afghanistan contact group.

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not participating in the summit and will visit Russia afterward, according to Russian sources. The SCO intends to significantly expand its thematic scope and also establish an Afghanistan contact group.

  1. Putin emphasized Russia's willingness to engage in diplomacy and peace negotiation regarding its conflict with Ukraine, addressing various global leaders.
  2. During the SCO summit for Security, Putin highlighted Russia's longstanding support for a political-diplomatic resolution to the Ukraine crisis.
  3. In Astana, Putin addressed the conflict, stressing Moscow's proposals for ending combat operations in Ukraine, despite Kiev's refusal to relinquish occupied territories.
  4. Putin thanked SCO states for their peace effort proposals, expressing Russia's readiness to consider these ideas and initiatives.
  5. In his address, Putin accused the USA and its allies again of stirring up the Ukraine conflict, pointing to his desire to construct a new world order based on a multipolar model.
  6. China is set to take over the SCO chairmanship until 2025, as announced by Chinese state television, with Xi Jinping urging members to strengthen unity and resist external influences.
  7. The SCO, established initially for counter-terrorism in 2001, plans to further broaden its thematic scope and establish an Afghanistan contact group, with Iran, Pakistan, and Belarus among its members.
  8. Despite not attending the summit, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to visit Russia, as per Russian sources, emphasizing the SCO's intention to expand its thematic scope.
  9. The SCO's decision to establish an Afghanistan contact group could potentially lead to significant developments in international relations, particularly regarding conflicts and peace negotiations in the region.
  10. Russia's proposals for the Ukraine conflict, along with Putin's efforts to build a new world order, have garnered interest and response from neighboring countries like Turkey and China, as well as key global powers such as the USA.
  11. In a bid to uphold international peace and stability, Putin and other world leaders may continue to engage in dialogue, using diplomacy and negotiations as primary tools to navigate and resolve ongoing conflicts, such as the one in Ukraine.

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