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Putin congratulates Maduro on election win

Presidential election in Venezuela

Putin congratulates Maduro on election win
Putin congratulates Maduro on election win

Putin congratulates Maduro on election win

**Vladimir Putin, the chief of the Kremlin, congratulated Nicolás Maduro on his re-election win in the controversial Venezuelan presidential election, which was overshadowed by fraud allegations. In a telegram released by the Kremlin, Putin expressed his "sincere congratulations".

"Russian-Venezuelan relations have the character of a strategic partnership. I am convinced that your actions at the helm of the state will continue to facilitate progress in all directions," the message read.

According to official figures from the Venezuelan election commission, Maduro won the election. The opposition does not recognize the victory. Maduro was one of the first world leaders to congratulate Putin on his re-election in March following the controversial Russian presidential election. Maduro, who has ruled Venezuela authoritatively since 2013, described Putin's victory as a good omen for the whole world.

Putin reciprocated with an unusually swift recognition of Maduro's victory. Russia is ready to continue collaborating with Venezuela on international issues. Maduro has always been a welcome guest in Russia, Putin wrote in the telegram.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reaffirmed the intention of closer economic ties with the South American country during a visit to Caracas in February. Russia views Venezuela as one of its closest and most reliable friends in Latin America.**

Despite the opposition's refusal to acknowledge Maduro's victory in the controversial presidential election, Putin expressed his congratulations for the 'Votesuccess' in Venezuela, highlighting the strength of Russian-Venezuelan relations. Following Maduro's congratulatory message to Putin after his re-election in March, Putin swiftly recognized Maduro's 'Votesuccess' and reiterated Russia's commitment to collaborate with Venezuela on international issues.

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