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Purchase of Corona-Vaccine in the EU was not transparent enough

Court ruffles EU Commission

Quickly collected money by the EU-states enabled them to order more than a billion vaccine doses.
Quickly collected money by the EU-states enabled them to order more than a billion vaccine doses.

Purchase of Corona-Vaccine in the EU was not transparent enough

When the Corona-Pandemic sweeps over the world, many countries are eager to secure as many vaccine doses as possible. The EU gathers 2.7 billion Euros and buys a Billion doses.

The EU Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen has violated EU law by withholding information on billion-dollar Corona vaccine contracts, according to a ruling by the EU Court. Particularly with regard to potential conflict of interests and compensation rules for vaccine manufacturers, the Brussels authority did not grant sufficient access to documents, the judges in Luxembourg decided. The judgment can be appealed at the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

During the pandemic, the EU Commission, acting on behalf of all member states, facilitated the collection of 2.7 billion Euros in 2020 and 2021 to place orders for more than a Billion doses of vaccines. The procedure was criticized frequently, as some contracts were only partially made public or there were delivery delays. The European Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating in this context.

In 2021, EU parliamentarians and private individuals filed requests for access to the contracts. The EU Commission under the leadership of German CDU politician Ursula von der Leyen granted only partial access. Therefore, parliamentarians and private individuals sued and have now partly won. The judgment comes a day before the European Parliament's vote on a second term as Commission President for Ursula von der Leyen.

The Court criticized that the EU Commission did not sufficiently justify why extensive access to the clauses on compensation rules would harm the commercial interests of the companies. The EU Commission also denied access to the documents with a reference to the protection of privacy of persons. However, the plaintiffs had properly demonstrated the special public interest in the disclosure of the data: It could only be checked whether there was no conflict of interest if the names and professional roles of the persons involved in the contracts were disclosed.

  1. The EU Court of Justice is now considering an appeal of the ruling against the European Commission, as they were criticized for withholding information on Corona vaccine contracts during the Corona Crisis.
  2. The European Commission's decision to withhold crucial information on processes related to Corona vaccination contracts, including compensation rules and conflict of interests, was challenged in international courts, resulting in judgments against them.
  3. Despite the challenges faced during the Corona Crisis, including delays in vaccine deliveries and controversy over processes like contract transparency, the international community continues to look towards Europe for cooperation and coordination in the distribution of Corona vaccination doses.

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