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Protests in Madrid against amnesty for separatists

The police used tear gas and batons during the demonstrations. There were injuries and some arrests.

Protests broke out again in Madrid,
Protests broke out again in Madrid,

Protests in Madrid against amnesty for separatists

Several thousand people have once again demonstrated outside the headquarters of the Socialist Party (PSOE) in Madrid against the planned amnesty for Catalan separatists.

Some of the demonstrators threw stones and other objects at the police on Tuesday evening, some gave the Hitler salute and waved flags of the Franco dictatorship, as was seen on television pictures. The police used tear gas and batons against obviously right-wing extremist participants in the rally. According to media reports, at least six demonstrators and one police officer were slightly injured and three people were arrested.

Sánchez must form government

The caretaker government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez wants to secure the support of Catalonia's two separatist parties represented in the lower house of parliament for a further four-year term of office with an amnesty law and other concessions. The largest opposition party, the conservative People's Party (PP), and the right-wing populist Vox vehemently reject such concessions. Thousands had already demonstrated in front of the PSOE headquarters the day before.

Sánchez has already reached an agreement with the left-wing Catalan separatist party ERC. Negotiations are currently underway with the liberal Junts party of separatist leader Carles Puigdemont. Sánchez has until November 27 to form a government. If he fails, a new election must be held on January 14.

The amnesty is intended to benefit, among others, those separatists who took part in a failed secession attempt in 2017; according to the current status of the talks, however, also the "Catalanistas" who have come into conflict with the Spanish justice system on other occasions before or since.


