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Prosthesis manufacturer Ottobock expands to Denmark

The prosthesis manufacturer Ottobock wants to expand - and is taking over a company to do so.

Ottobock will also be supplying people in Denmark with prostheses in future through a new...
Ottobock will also be supplying people in Denmark with prostheses in future through a new subsidiary. (symbolic image)

Company takeover - Prosthesis manufacturer Ottobock expands to Denmark

Ottobock takes over the Danish company Sahva. With the acquisition of the orthopedic supply network, the company from Duderstadt, Germany, intends to establish a foothold in the Danish market. This acquisition is also part of Ottobock's growth strategy, the company stated.

Sahva employs around 250 employees and staff at more than 30 locations. The annual turnover was approximately 40 million Euros in 2023. Ottobock is already active in Scandinavia in Sweden and Finland. Under the names Aktiv Ortopedteknik and Respecta, the company has 20 and 14 locations, respectively.

"With this acquisition, we are making another important step on our growth path," said Oliver Jakobi, CEO of Ottobock.

  1. The acquisition of Sahva, a Danish company, by Ottobock will allow them to strengthen their presence in Technology-driven fields within Denmark's market.
  2. Given its focus on Health and Medicine, the takeover of Sahva by Ottobock, a company from Lower Saxony, Germany, may contribute to advancements in orthopedic Technology in Duderstadt and beyond.
  3. Ottobock's acquisition of the Danish company Sahva, which specializes in more than 30 locations across Healthcare, will potentially increase their presence in Scandinavia, beyond Sweden and Finland.
  4. The expansion of Ottobock into Denmark, following the acquisition of Sahva, may also elevate the standard of Healthcare services in this region, leveraging expertise in fields like Medicine and Technology.

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