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Propeller machine with forced landing at Stuttgart Airport

A pilot is supposed to land a plane at Stuttgart airport. But the plane's landing gear has not deployed. This has consequences.

A propeller machine had an accident at Stuttgart Airport (Photo symbol)
A propeller machine had an accident at Stuttgart Airport (Photo symbol)

accident - Propeller machine with forced landing at Stuttgart Airport

A single-engine Propeller machine had an emergency landing at Stuttgart Airport. According to initial findings, the 65-year-old pilot didn't notice that he hadn't extended the machine's landing gear, as the police reported today. The plane touched down on the body of the aircraft in Leinfelden-Echterdingen (District Esslingen) on a Wednesday evening. The pilot remained unharmed.

Due to cleaning operations on the runway, flight traffic was halted for several hours. According to the police, hundreds of flight passengers were affected. Flights were cancelled or rerouted. An initial damage assessment was not available. The Airport was asked for further details.

The airport fire department rescued the pilot after the accident to extend the landing gear. The machine was then towed to its parking position.

The emergency landing of the propeller machine at Stuttgart Airport was a significant incident in the district of Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Baden-Württemberg. Despite the pilot's failure to extend the landing gear, fortunately, no accidents involving other aircraft occurred during the forced landing. The police intensified their investigation into the cause of the incident, as many airport operations and flight schedules were disrupted.

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