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Prominent withdrawal demand: Debate about Biden continues

Joe Biden is fighting internally within his party to save his presidential campaign. The debate moved to the background after the attack on his rival Trump, but not for long.

Democratic candidate Joe Biden is fighting for his presidency - against resistance from within his...
Democratic candidate Joe Biden is fighting for his presidency - against resistance from within his own ranks.

US campaign - Prominent withdrawal demand: Debate about Biden continues

After a brief pause, US-President Joe Biden is confronted with new demands to withdraw from the campaign for a second term. Following several other party colleagues, prominent Democratic Representative from the House, Adam Schiff, called on the 81-year-old to step down from the presidential race in a written statement.

Schiff, who is a confidant of the former Democratic leader of the House, Nancy Pelosi, stated that he has serious concerns about Biden's ability to defeat the Republican presidential candidate in November. Biden has achieved great successes, but it's time to clear the way for someone else, Schiff argued. "There's simply too much at stake," he warned.

Schiff is a close ally of Pelosi, who wields significant influence within the party. Pelosi recently stated in an interview, "It's up to the president to decide whether he runs." She added, "We all encourage him to make that decision. Time is running out." Her explicit refusal to publicly endorse Biden made headlines.

Biden faces intense pressure from within his own ranks due to his advanced age and concerns about his mental fitness. Since a disastrous television debate against Trump, numerous Democratic representatives have called on him to withdraw from the presidential race in the past few weeks. Many others have publicly expressed grave concerns about his electoral chances.

The debate over Biden was briefly pushed into the background after an attack on Trump at a campaign event over the weekend. Now it's back in the spotlight. Biden has so far rejected all withdrawal demands and reiterated his intention to stay in the race.

  1. Despite the new demands, Joe Biden, the Prominent US-President, remains at ease in his decision to continue with the US Election 2024 campaign for a second term.
  2. The call for Biden's withdrawal came from several party colleagues, including the prominent Democratic Representative Adam Schiff from the House.
  3. Schiff, who has a close relationship with Nancy Pelosi, the former Democratic leader of the House, expressed serious concerns about Biden's ability to defeat the Republican presidential candidate in November.
  4. The US election campaign for 2024 is shaping up to be a challenging one, with Biden facing intense pressure from within his own party, such as Adam Schiff.
  5. The US Election 2024 campaign is a critical ship that requires a capable leader, and many Democrats, including Schiff, believe it's time for someone else to take the helm.
  6. Despite the mounting pressure and concerns, Biden has shown no signs of yielding, vowing to stay in the race and fight for another term in the White House.

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