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Prominent Opponent: Advocating for Cessation of Conflict in Gaza Serves Israel's Benefit

In Israel, opposition leader Jair Lapid advocates for a shift in government. Hecriticizes the incumbent leadership, alleging their unwillingness to pursue peace.

- Prominent Opponent: Advocating for Cessation of Conflict in Gaza Serves Israel's Benefit

Opposition head Jair Lapid from Israel has advocated for a tranquil resolution to the Gaza confrontation. He stated on the X platform, "Ceasing the conflict is beneficial for Israel." Lapid proposed a pact with Hamas that would also guarantee the liberation of the hostages still in Gaza.

Lapid additionally voiced his support for a shift in political control. "As long as this administration persists, the war will drag on," he asserted. He alleged that the current regime isn't keen on peace. Previously, Israeli extreme-right minister of police, Itamar Ben-Gvir, declared his intentions to bring an end to secret negotiations with Hamas regarding a truce in the Gaza war. "Negotiating with killers is unacceptable," he expressed.

During the weekend, the military disclosed the finding of six Israeli hostages. Media sources claimed the hostages were executed at close range between 48 to 72 hours prior to the autopsy.

Close to a hundred thousand people demanded a deal to rescue the remaining hostages in Gaza. More protests were scheduled for Wednesday. The relatives of the hostages accuse the administration of hindering a deal.

The following statement from Opposition head Jair Lapid suggests a ceasefire in Gaza would benefit Israel. In his critique of the current regime, Lapid asserted that as long as the existing administration is in power, the conflict will continue.

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