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Process regarding valuable scrap - Lawyer complains about accusations

A material tester and two suppliers are suspected to have defrauded the copper manufacturer Aurubis for millions of Euros. Was the value of scrap manipulated through a simple trick?

One of the accused (M) enters the courtroom in Hamburg.
One of the accused (M) enters the courtroom in Hamburg.

Hamburg Regional Court - Process regarding valuable scrap - Lawyer complains about accusations

In the fraud trial against manipulated scrap at Aurubis' copper plant, a defense lawyer has criticized the prosecution sharply. The trial is based on allegations, says the lawyer at the Hamburg Regional Court. In this case, three men have been standing trial since Monday, who are accused of defrauding Aurubis in Hamburg for over 15 million Euro. The accused themselves remained silent at first.

The accused are two suppliers, a Father (70) and his Son (45), as well as a material tester (63), who worked for Aurubis. The Father and the Tester are charged with common and commercial fraud in 47 cases. The Son is charged with aiding and abetting fraud in twelve cases. The acts are alleged to have been committed between April 2012 and August 2016.

Tester allegedly falsified scrap value

Aurubis buys electronic scrap and extracts Copper and precious metals from it. The Tester is accused of falsifying the value of scrap by scattering Gold- and Silver powder over samples. This led to the assumption that buyers from Aurubis paid too much money for the scrap of the suppliers. The suppliers gave the Tester, for example, motherboards from computers.

The Father is said to have given the Material Tester a total of more than 100,000 Euro and two Gold bars as compensation. Several meetings are said to have taken place in the room Osnabrück.

  1. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Hamburg is leading the fraud trial against Aurubis, focusing on manipulated scrap at their copper plant.
  2. The trial in the District Court is a response to allegations of criminality within the Metal industry, specifically involving Aurubis and three men.
  3. The defense lawyer for the accused has strongly criticized the prosecution's approach in the fraud trial, arguing points at the Hamburg Regional Court.
  4. The accused, including a father and his son, who are both suppliers, and a material tester who worked for Aurubis, have been standing trial since Monday for alleged fraud totaling over 15 million Euro.
  5. The Material Tester is accused of subordinating himself to the suppliers, falsifying scrap values by scattering Gold- and Silver powder over samples, thereby causing Aurubis to pay excessively for their electronic scrap.
  6. The Father, one of the accused, is accused of compensating the Material Tester with over 100,000 Euro and two Gold bars, in exchange for the manipulation, during meetings held in the room Osnabrück.

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