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Pro-Palestine activists climb parliament in Australia

Protest action on the roof

The small group displayed several banners with their message "From the river to the sea - Palestine...
The small group displayed several banners with their message "From the river to the sea - Palestine will be free" on the parliament building.

Pro-Palestine activists climb parliament in Australia

In the Australian capital Canberra, a pro-Palestinian group's protest action causes stir: Activists manage to hoist banners on the Parliament House roof. The background is the suspension of a Senator who advocated for the recognition of Palestine.

A pro-Palestinian activist group unfurled banners with inscriptions like "Palestine will be free" on the roof of the Parliament House in the Australian capital Canberra. Dressed entirely in black and wearing so-called Palestinian scarves, the small group climbed up to the roof above the entrance and hung several black banners with white writing there. Senator James Paterson described the action as "a serious breach of Parliament's security."

The protest followed the suspension of a Muslim Senator, who had spoken out in favor of recognizing a Palestinian state by Australia. Fatima Payman declared that she had been "exiled" by the government after she supported a Greens-sponsored parliamentary motion.

Like many of its Western allies, Australia does not recognize a Palestinian state but supports a two-state solution. In national media, the protest group Renegade Activists accused Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of complicity in the war in Gaza. They declared, "we cannot forgive" and "we cannot forget."

Still 116 Hostages in Hamas's Custody

The war in Gaza was triggered nearly nine months ago by an unprecedented attack by Hamas and other militant Palestinian groups on Israel on October 7. According to Israeli reports, 1195 people were killed and 251 were taken hostage in the Gaza Strip. 116 of them are still being held by Hamas, according to the Israeli army, 42 of whom have already been reported dead.

In response to the attack, Israel has been conducting massive military operations in the Gaza Strip since then. The Israeli government has declared its intention to destroy Hamas. According to reports from the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry, which cannot be independently verified, over 37,900 people have been killed in these operations so far.

The Renegade Activists in Australia, during their protest, criticized the Australian Prime Minister for alleged complicity in the ongoing Gaza war. They specifically mentioned the high number of hostages still in Hamas's custody, highlighting the 116 individuals yet to be freed. Despite Australia's support for a two-state solution and non-recognition of a Palestinian state, the activists strongly condemned the Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip.

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