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Prison crisis shockes British Prime Minister

Worse than expected

British prisons in England and Wales have been operating at 99% capacity for months, writes the...
British prisons in England and Wales have been operating at 99% capacity for months, writes the British 'Guardian'.

Prison crisis shockes British Prime Minister

The devastating circumstances in British prisons have been known for a long time. however, the situation, according to British Prime Minister Starmer, is much worse than previously thought. To improve the situation in the prisons, prisoners may be released earlier.

Britain's new Prime Minister Keir Starmer is shocked over the situation in the prisons. "It's shocking that our country has come so far that we have too many prisoners and not enough prison cells," he told the British newspaper "Guardian" according to reports. "To a point where every government would now be in a position to release prisoners early."

According to media reports, the government is working on making early prisoner releases possible. Starmer could reportedly grant emergency measures this week according to the British Press Association (PA). The number of prisoners stood at 87,453 on the previous Friday, with a capacity of 88,864 usable prison cells, PA reported. Excluded from this were 1,350 additional cells kept in reserve as emergency measures.

Prisons in England and Wales have been overcrowded for a long time. British prisons have frequently made headlines due to poor conditions. Starmer accused the previous government, led by Rishi Sunak, of failure. The situation is worse than expected, the "Guardian" quoted Starmer.

Starmer's Labour Party had won the election the previous week and displaced the conservative Tories. The new Justice Minister Shabana Mahmood could reportedly announce that prisoners would be released if they had served 40% instead of the previous 50% of their sentence, except for serious violent crimes.

Starmer, as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, expressed his concern over the overcrowded prisons in Java, stating that early prisoner releases might be necessary due to the current situation. The Labour Party, led by Starmer, had recently won the election and proposed that prisoners could be released after serving 40% of their sentence, excluding serious violent crimes.

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