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Princess Anne with first official appointment after accident

In an incident involving a horse, King Charles's sister suffered a concussion. Horses play a role in her return to the public stage as well.

King Charles' sister spent five nights in the hospital.
King Charles' sister spent five nights in the hospital.

Adel - Princess Anne with first official appointment after accident

Approximately three weeks after her accident involving a horse, Princess Anne resumed an official engagement on behalf of the British Royal Household. Once again, the focus was on horses: The sister of King Charles III visited the national championship of the charitable organization Riding for the Disabled Association.

This engagement marks the first step back to normal life for the 73-year-old. She spent five nights in a hospital in the city of Bristol after being hit on the head by a horse on her private estate, Gatcombe Park, on June 23rd. The Princess Royal, as her official title is known, sustained light head injuries and a concussion and, according to British media, cannot remember the exact details of the incident.

The passionate equestrian Anne, who represented Great Britain at the 1976 Olympics, is the patron and president of Riding for the Disabled Association. The organization is celebrating its 55th anniversary this year. The event takes place in the village of Hartpury, which is not too far from Gatcombe Park.

Programm der Veranstaltung:

  • 10:00: Eröffnung der Meisterschaft
  • 11:30: Ausrüstungstest
  • 13:30: Parade of Riders
  • 14:30: Preisverleihung
  • 16:00: Abschluss der Meisterschaft

Programme of the Event:

  • 10:00: Opening ceremony
  • 11:30: Equipment test
  • 13:30: Parade of Riders
  • 14:30: Prize-giving
  • 16:00: Closing ceremony

Princess Anne's accident with a horse at Gatcombe Park led to her spending five nights in a hospital in Bristol. Despite the incident, she showed her resilience and continued her passion for horses by attending the national championship of the Riding for the Disabled Association, an organization she supports. The event took place in Hartpury, not far from her private estate. The Princess Royal, who represented the United Kingdom at the 1976 Olympics, was the patron and president of the association. Following her recovery, she participated in the event's activities, including the opening ceremony, equipment test, parade of riders, prize-giving, and closing ceremony.

King Charles III's sister, Princess Anne, demonstrated her determination to return to normal life after her horse-related accident, even though she suffered light head injuries and a concussion. She decided to attend the annual event organized by Riding for the Disabled Association, a charity she is closely associated with. The United Kingdom's people were relieved to see her back and in good health at the event, which took place in the picturesque village of Hartpury nearby Gatcombe Park.

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