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Prime Minister David Cameron falls for hoax SMS messages.

However, former Ukrainian president...

Cameron certainly knows Poroshenko, here a meeting ten years ago - but this time his alleged...
Cameron certainly knows Poroshenko, here a meeting ten years ago - but this time his alleged statements were falsified.

Prime Minister David Cameron falls for hoax SMS messages.

David Cameron, the British Foreign Secretary, thought he had spoken with Petro Poroshenko, the ex-president of Ukraine. The diplomat revealed this during a video call, but soon doubted its authenticity. Despite admitting falling for the trick, he decided to make it public.

Recently, Cameron had allegedly received a series of text messages said to be from Poroshenko and even had a video call with someone claiming to be the former Ukrainian president. However, the video call seemed authentic, leading the Foreign Secretary to believe it was indeed Poroshenko. As a precaution, he asked for more detailed contact information during the call. But his suspicions were aroused when the conversation seemed too good to be true.

The Foreign Office has since investigated the situation and confirmed that both the text messages and the video call were fake. They shared this information publicly to warn others about the risk of false information. Cameron expressed regret for the mistake and stressed the importance of alerting others about such incidents.

Fake phone calls and hoaxes are not uncommon. In the past, Russian impostors had manipulated top officials, including Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in the winter of 2022-2023. They had even deceived former German Chancellor Angela Merkel after her term ended. More recently, a fake video of US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller went viral on social media.

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