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Prien for competition character at German Youth Games

The character of the Federal Youth Games at primary schools is a matter for the Landtag. Education Minister Prien supports the performance concept even in Grade 3 and 4. One thing is wrong in the current debate.

Minister of Education Karin Prien (CDU) will strengthen the performance concept at the Federal...
Minister of Education Karin Prien (CDU) will strengthen the performance concept at the Federal Youth Games.

Power measurement - Prien for competition character at German Youth Games

Schleswig-Holstein's Minister of Education Karin Prien will strengthen the performance aspect of the Bundesjugendspiele in primary schools. "The competitive character is an important element of the Bundesjugendspiele," said the CDU politician to the German Press Agency. In addition to the competition, it should also be possible for classes 3 and 4 (up to the 2022/2023 school year) to participate in competitions.

Following a controversial reform of the Bundesjugendspiele, primary schools will be required, starting from the next school year, to organize athletics and swimming in classes 3 and 4 exclusively in competitive form. A transitional regulation allowed for the 2023/24 school year to continue with the competition.

The students will compete against each other within their class or year group during the competition. However, they must defend themselves against the performance data of a nationwide scoring list. This determines whether they receive an Honor, Winner, or Participation certificate.

Prien: Being the best in your friend circle is not enough

"I believe in the value of competition because it's not just about showing the best performances within a group, but it's also important to objectively measure the sports performances of students," said Prien. "It's important to understand that it usually doesn't suffice to be the best in your friend circle, but that you should strive for more and aim for top performances."

At the request of the FDP, the state parliament is expected to discuss the Bundesjugendspiele in primary schools on Thursday. The Liberals are demanding that the performance aspect also play a role in primary schools in an age-appropriate manner.

Prien emphasized, "acting as if the competition wasn't about performance is wrong." Both the competition and the competition will see students measure themselves against each other in athletic competition. "It's about promoting joy in sports and movement for children, bringing children to their performance potential, especially for the 8-10-year-olds in athletics and swimming disciplines." Often, it's about children who don't train in clubs during their free time and need to be won over for this.

"The Culture Ministers' Conference does not question the performance principle"

"Here, the opposition should not be overly dramatic, because we certainly value the work of schools that help children reach their sports peak," said Prien. "In a time when children and adolescents move too little and organized amateur sports are lamenting a shortage of youth, our goal should be to bring more children into sports clubs." Therefore, schools should be able to decide on their own, as they have in the past two decades.

"The Culture Ministers' Conference does not question the performance principle, quite the opposite," said Prien. As coordinator of the B-states, she expects that in the future, both forms, competition and competition, will be possible again starting from the third grade. She recognizes a great consensus in the presidium.

The Sports Commission fought hard for the Bundesjugendspiele tender to be changed back at the last minute. "I hope that all politically responsible parties here will engage in a professional debate and resist the populist temptation."

  1. Karin Prien, the Minister of Education in Schleswig-Holstein, plans to enhance the competitive aspect of the Federal Youth Games in primary schools, as stated by the German Press Agency.
  2. Prien believes that the competitive character is a crucial element of the Bundesjugendspiele and aims to allow classes 3 and 4 to participate in competitions.
  3. In the upcoming school year, primary schools will be required to organize athletics and swimming in a competitive format for classes 3 and 4, following a reform of the Federal Youth Games.
  4. At the Culturs Minister Conference, Prien emphasized the importance of the performance aspect in primary schools and encouraged schools to promote joy in sports and movement for children.
  5. The CDU politician specifically mentioned the 8-10-year-olds in athletics and swimming disciplines, who might not be regularly engaged in sports clubs during their free time.
  6. The Federal Youth Games, often serving as a Power meeting for children, will encourage students to measure themselves against each other in athletic competition, promoting a competitive spirit while fostering joy in sports.

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