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Price of diesel still too high

According to the ADAC

The price display at a gas station on the A7 freeway in the district of Hildesheim.
The price display at a gas station on the A7 freeway in the district of Hildesheim.

Price of diesel still too high

The price for Diesel, according to ADAC, is still too high. The automobile club in Munich announced on Wednesday that the price of Diesel per liter increased by 0.8 cent compared to the previous week and cost 1.680 Euro in the nationwide average in the end. A liter of E10 gasoline cost 1.781 Euro at the pump and was 0.3 cent more expensive than a week ago.

The gasoline price, according to ADAC, was at an "acceptable level" once again, as it had been in the previous week. However, the club criticized that there is still potential for significant Diesel price reductions. The tax on Diesel is about 20 cents lower than on gasoline. However, Diesel currently costs only about ten cents less.

ADAC recommends drivers to fill up their tanks in the evening between 19.00 and 20.00 hours or between 21.00 and 22.00 hours. Prices are significantly cheaper during these times. Prices can be up to six to seven cents higher at 7.00 hours in the morning.

After analyzing the Diesel prices, ADAC noted that there's still room for a decrease. Despite having a lower tax compared to gasoline, Diesel continues to cost only slightly less. Viewing the current market trends, ADAC suggests drivers to refuel their vehicles during evening hours, as prices are significantly lower then.

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