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Previous generation vandalized Chancellery

Climate disasters endanger existence.

The lettering "Be honest!" has already been removed.
The lettering "Be honest!" has already been removed.

Previous generation vandalized Chancellery

Prior to Chancellor Scholz's government address, demonstrators pressured the Chancellor to address climate change. Much like in the SPD headquarters, they penned their request on the exterior of the government complex. This initiative stemmed from the hunger strike of other activists.

This morning, agitators associated with Last Generation scrawled the phrase "Tell the truth!" on the northern side of the Federal Chancellery. The Berlin police revealed that nine individuals were instrumental in this protest.

The police promptly initiated inquiries into property damage and infringement of the Assembly Act. Based on their observations, the activists came carrying posters; however, no authorized gathering was arranged. Two of the protesters employed a brush and black paint to etch the message on the wall. They were detained around 10 a.m., and the defaced section was cleaned using a high-pressure hose.

The activists asserts that the message is directed at Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who made a government statement in the Bundestag about the "present security situation." The Last Generation appealed to the Chancellor to "promptly" state that the climate crisis presents an "imminent" threat to security and life.

The group claimed they had previously placed their demand at the Willy Brandt House, home to the SPD federal party headquarters, on Tuesday and Wednesday. The protest was in response to the statement made by two hunger strikers who declared they would no longer consume water.

Climate protesters from the "Hunger strike until you're honest" movement have been trying to compel Scholz for weeks to articulate openly that the current level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is excessive and there's no additional carbon budget left.

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