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Pressure on Biden increases - President in Corona isolation

Joe Biden is fighting to save his presidential campaign. Now, even the party's frontline is voicing concerns. In an unintentional pause, Democratic candidate Biden has extra time for reflection.

Biden returns to his house in Rehoboth Beach (Delaware) to self-isolate after testing positive for...
Biden returns to his house in Rehoboth Beach (Delaware) to self-isolate after testing positive for COVID-19.

US election campaign - Pressure on Biden increases - President in Corona isolation

A few days after the attack on Donald Trump, the debate over Joe Biden's suitability for a second term as the democratic US President is more intense than ever. Behind the scenes, the 81-year-old is confronted with new demands to withdraw from the presidential race.

US media report that the front-runners of the Democrats are trying to persuade Biden to step down. Ex-President Barack Obama is said to have expressed concerns as well. To make matters worse, Biden himself tested positive for the Coronavirus and had to suspend his campaign. The Republicans, on the other hand, are demonstrating unity at their party convention in Milwaukee and rallying around Trump.

Biden is under immense pressure from within his own ranks due to his advanced age and doubts about his mental fitness. The debate over Biden's candidacy was briefly pushed to the background after the attack on Republican Trump at a campaign rally over the weekend. Now it's back with full force.

Concerns from the top of the Party

After several less prominent Democratic colleagues, the prominent democratic congressman from the House of Representatives, Adam Schiff, publicly called on his colleague Biden to withdraw from the presidential race. Schiff is considered a close confidant of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who still holds significant influence in the party and maintains a close relationship with Biden.

CNN reported that Pelosi herself told Biden in a personal conversation that he couldn't beat Trump in the race for the White House. She has not publicly spoken out against him but has noticeably not come to his defense, instead reacting evasively to related questions.

According to reports, other leading Democrats have also expressed doubts about Biden. The two leading Democrats in the US Congress, Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer, warned Biden, according to media reports, against sticking to his presidential campaign. And: Obama - Biden's former boss and still a major figure in the party - is said to have weighed in. The "Washington Post" reported that the former president, who was Biden's vice president at the time, told trusted persons that Biden's chances of winning the election had significantly decreased and that he should reconsider his candidacy.

These behind-the-scenes statements from the most influential Democrats in the country should not be a coincidence. The pressure on Biden is now immense.

An intriguing interview statement

Trump has so far rejected all withdrawal demands and made it clear that he has no intention of dropping out. The "New York Times" now reports, citing informed sources, that Biden has shown openness to such warnings in recent days and has listened to the arguments.

In a TV interview broadcast on Wednesday evening (local time), Biden was again asked if there was anything that would make him abandon his presidential campaign. He replied: "If I had a medical problem that became public, if someone came to me and said, 'You have this or that problem.'" This comment raised eyebrows.

The interview was recorded on Tuesday. Coincidentally, the White House announced on Wednesday that Biden had tested positive for the Coronavirus and had withdrawn to his private home in Rehoboth, Delaware, to isolate himself.

Biden was in Las Vegas, Nevada earlier, campaigning primarily among the Hispanic population. Two campaign events had to be canceled following a positive COVID-19 test. And several upcoming engagements have been put on hold.

The President's doctor announced that Biden had developed respiratory issues, a runny nose, and a cough. He had received his first dose of the Covid-19 medication Paxlovid. On Thursday, the doctor stated that Biden was still experiencing mild symptoms. He has a fever, however. Given his advanced age, Biden falls into the high-risk category. He last tested positive for the virus two summers ago.

The coronavirus pause forced Biden to take some time for reflection. His colleagues, who harbor doubts about his fitness for another term, are not only concerned about the Democrats losing the White House but also the control of both congressional chambers.

In addition to the presidency, numerous seats in the US Congress will be up for grabs in early November. The entire House of Representatives is being re-elected, and one-third of the Senate seats are being contested. Many parliamentarians are worried that the lack of support for Biden could cost them their re-election.

Euphoria among the Republicans

The mood among the Republicans is quite different. Trump was officially nominated as the Republican Party's presidential candidate at the convention in Milwaukee on Monday. Since the beginning of the spectacle in the enormous event hall, Trump has been receiving thunderous applause from his party colleagues every evening.

Trump's vice presidential candidate, J.D. Vance, had his first significant test on Wednesday evening (local time). In his speech, he presented Trump as a man of moderation who called for unity after the attack. At the same time, the acclaimed author and lawyer positioned himself as a man of the people. The 39-year-old attempted to appeal to white workers in the most contested states in his speech.

The Republicans have presented a united front in Milwaukee for days and appear unusually optimistic about the election in November.

  1. Despite the intense debate over Joe Biden's suitability for a second term in the US Election 2024, Donald Trump remains firm in his campaign, rejecting all withdrawal demands.
  2. The Republicans are demonstrating unity at their party convention in Milwaukee, rallying around Trump for the US Election.
  3. The US media report that front-runners in the Democrats are urging Biden to step down, with concerns expressed by Barack Obama as well.
  4. Biden's campaign was temporarily halted after testing positive for Coronavirus, adding to the doubts about his mental fitness and suitability for the US Election.
  5. Adam Schiff, a prominent Democratic congressman and close confidant of Nancy Pelosi, publicly called on Biden to withdraw from the US Election presidential race.
  6. CNN reported that Pelosi privately expressed concerns to Biden that he couldn't beat Trump in the US Election for the White House.
  7. The "Washington Post" reported that Obama told trusted persons that Biden's chances of winning the US Election had significantly decreased, suggesting he reconsider his candidacy.
  8. Biden's health became a topic in a TV interview, where he said he would reconsider his campaign if he had a medical problem that became public.
  9. Two campaign events in Las Vegas had to be canceled due to a positive COVID-19 test, putting a pause in Biden's US campaign.
  10. The Republicans are experiencing euphoria, with J.D. Vance's speech at the Milwaukee convention positioning Trump as a man of moderation and unity.
  11. The Republicans appear unusually optimistic about the US Election in November, with control of both congressional chambers and the presidency at stake.

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