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Potential Alignment of Assad and Erdogan might strengthen

Discontinuation of military deployment not deemed necessary.

Over a decade has passed since: Erdogan and Assad attended a meeting in the year 2011.
Over a decade has passed since: Erdogan and Assad attended a meeting in the year 2011.

Potential Alignment of Assad and Erdogan might strengthen

Back in the day, President Erdogan of Turkey backed rebels who wanted to overthrow Syria's autocratic ruler, Assad. Despite this, some parts of Turkey's army are still stationed in Syria. Fortunately, the rapport between the two leaders has improved, and further improvement seems likely.

Assad doesn't view the retreat of Turkish troops from Syria as a necessary condition for better relations with Turkey. He stated in Damascus' parliament that the claims made by some Turkish officials about refusing to meet unless the troops withdraw are far from truth.

In July 202X, President Erdogan of Turkey displayed his willingness to soften relations with Assad, even hinting at an invitation for a sit-down. Assad indicated that he'd consider such a meeting, but only if the discussion topic is appropriate. The Turkish military presence in Syria remains a significant stumbling block.

The Turkish-Syrian relationship went south in 2011 during the onset of the Syrian civil war. Aggressive actions taken by Assad against protesters ignited the conflict, which has since claimed over half a million lives and displaced millions of Syrians.

At first, Erdogan supported the rebels aiming to depose Assad. However, his stance later shifted to preventing an extensive Kurdish self-governing region along the Turkish border in northern Syria.

Since 2016, Turkey has carried out numerous ground operations against Kurdish militants in northern Syria. Syrian auxiliary forces have aided the Turkish army, which now controls two major regions in the border area.

  1. Despite the improved rapport between President Erdogan and Assad, the Turkish military presence in Syria remains a contentious issue, with Assad indicating that he would only consider a meeting with Erdogan if the discussion topic is appropriate.
  2. In his statement to Damascus' parliament, Assad dismissed the claims made by some Turkish officials about refusing to meet with him unless Turkish troops withdraw from Syria, as he does not view this as a necessary condition for better relations with Turkey.

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