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Possible swindler advises government - fraud trial

For a long time, a supposed professor had worked for the NRW state government. But the expert was probably a fraudster. The deception was surprisingly simple, he admits in court.

A suspected swindler has advised the NRW state government in Islamic matters for years - now he is...
A suspected swindler has advised the NRW state government in Islamic matters for years - now he is facing trial.

process - Possible swindler advises government - fraud trial

In Duisburg, a process against a suspected impostor has commenced, who had advised the NRW-state government on Islamic matters for years. The public prosecutor accuses the man of forgery, fraud, and the unauthorized use of academic degrees in 28 cases.

The supposed professor, who had made a career as a scientist and in the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Education, essentially admitted the charges at the beginning of the trial in the Duisburg District Court. He had forged documents regarding his state exams and his doctorate, the foundation for a doctoral degree. He had simply taken documents from other people and pasted over their names - manually and without computer technology, he stated. The North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Education had authenticated the forgeries - after that, there were no more doubts about his academic career.

He reportedly had been successful in his work, the defendant stated. The supposed professor received prizes, was a sought-after speaker for questions of integration, participated in discussion events, such as with the former Federal President Christian Wulff, and eventually advised ministers directly in the NRW state government.

The cooperation with the Land NRW ended in 2021. The Landesregierung wrote at the time that "there were justified doubts regarding the academic career." Additionally, the Land filed a complaint.

The defendant enjoys the presumption of innocence until the verdict becomes final.

  1. Despite his suspected crimes being under investigation by the Public Prosecutor's Office in Duisburg, the individual had previously provided advice on Islamic matters to the government of North Rhine-Westphalia.
  2. The trial in the Duisburg District Court involved charges of forgery, fraud, and unauthorized use of academic degrees in 28 cases, which the suspect admitted to having committed in relation to his state exams and doctorate.
  3. The alleged fraud led to the termination of the defendant's cooperation with the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Education in 2021, following which the Ministry filed a complaint and expressed doubts regarding his academic career.

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