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Possible limit for cannabis-related impaired driving might be implemented this summer.

Beginning in summer, those with 3.5 nanograms or more of THC in their bloodstream face a 500 euro fine, while additional punishment looms.

It is undisputed that intoxicants affect the ability to drive. However, the effects of cannabis are...
It is undisputed that intoxicants affect the ability to drive. However, the effects of cannabis are not the same as those of alcohol.

Cannabis-related driving limits could become a reality this summer. A spokesperson from the Federal Transport Ministry shared that the Bundesrat is set to debate the legislation on July 5 at a Berlin meeting.

Despite passing through the Bundestag on Thursday, the law won't necessitate approval by the state chamber. As soon as it's announced, the law will take effect, though a specific date remains unknown. This development promises greater clarity in terms of road safety.

Much like the alcohol limit, a threshold will be set for cannabis, above which legal consequences ensue. If drivers are found to have 3.5 nanograms of THC or higher while driving, they could face a €500 fine and a month-long suspension of their license. The recommendation originated from an expert panel. More stringent regulations will apply to both novice drivers and those combining cannabis and alcohol consumption.

Until this limit is introduced, the present, stricter position remains in force, implying penalties kick in at the 1 nanogram level of detection.

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