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Popping sounds at Donald Trump's rally: He is injured but safe

At a campaign event in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump was injured. The ex-president was brought off the stage following gunshot sounds. The circumstances are still unclear.

Agents of the US Secret Service help Republican presidential candidate and former US President...
Agents of the US Secret Service help Republican presidential candidate and former US President Donald Trump off the stage

Pennsylvania - Popping sounds at Donald Trump's rally: He is injured but safe

Former US President Donald Trump was attacked during a campaign rally in the state of Pennsylvania and was secured by Secret-Service agents. Loud bangs were heard on video recordings of the event in the city of Butler; it was initially unclear if they were gunshots. Trump's team announced shortly thereafter that he was fine and was being medically checked. It was initially unclear if the current presidential candidate had sustained injuries.

Trump had just begun his speech in Butler when the incident occurred. In the video, Trump is seen ducking after the first loud bangs. Secret-Service agents rushed onto the stage to shield him. Trump then left the stage, waving his fist in the air. It appeared that Trump had blood on his ear. The situation was initially unclear. Trump's supporters chanted "USA, USA, USA" as he was taken off the stage.

Panic in the audience after attack on Donald Trump

Panic broke out in the audience. People were screaming. Trump supporters were evacuated from the area. The area around the stage was cordoned off with yellow tape and secured by heavily armed response teams. It was initially unclear if and how severely Trump was injured.

The 78-year-old intends to move back into the White House after the presidential election in November. The Republican Party convention is scheduled to begin on Monday in Milwaukee, where Trump is expected to be officially nominated as the Republican candidate for the presidential election.

Politicians from both parties express shock

US President Joe Biden was informed of the incident, according to the White House. Many high-ranking representatives from both parties condemned the attack. Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy wrote on the platform Parler, "I pray for [Trump's] quick recovery."

Democratic House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries wrote similarly, "America is a democracy. Political violence in any form is never acceptable." Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also shared on Parler, "I was shocked by the incident and relieved to hear that Trump is okay. Political violence has no place in our country."

Political tensions in the US have been heated for years. The US Department of Justice lamented at the beginning of the year an "alarming increase in threats" against public officials and democratic institutions in the country. The presidential election on November 3 is the first since the dramatic disturbances around the 2020 election, which ended in an unprecedented outbreak of violence.

The election campaign event in Butler, Pennsylvania, where Donald Trump was scheduled to deliver an election campaign speech during the US election campaign, was disrupted by an attack. Trump's election campaign event was brought to a temporary halt after loud bangs were heard, causing panic among his supporters.

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