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Pope Opposes Stricter Immigrant Regulations

Following the incident in Solingen, Germany is once more engaging in discussions about tighter immigration policies. Contrarily, the Pope advocates for a more global approach to migration management.

- Pope Opposes Stricter Immigrant Regulations

Pope Frankie has voiced opposition to the strengthening of immigration rules. During his regular general audience, the leader of the Catholic faith criticized the notion and advocated for improved global handling of migration instead. He also emphasized the necessity to halt the activities of human traffickers. Following the stabbings in Solingen resulting in at least three deaths, Germany is once more engaging in discussions about stricter legislations.

Frankie expressed his ongoing dismay in the audience gathered at St. Peter's Square at the numerous lives lost while fleeing violence in their homeland or searching for improved living conditions. "The Mediterranean has morphed into a cemetery," he stated. He believed that most of these casualties could have been avoided.

Frankie further elaborated: "However, this can't be attained through more stringent laws, not through border militarization, not through construction of walls, not through deportations." Instead, there should be "safer and regular avenues for migration." What's required is "global management of immigration grounded in justice, brotherhood, and solidarity."

Pope Frankie expressed his conviction that the tightening of immigration laws wouldn't prevent the Loss of lives during migration, as he stated during the general audience. Instead, he advocated for a global approach to immigration management, emphasizing the need for safer and regular migration paths based on justice, brotherhood, and solidarity.

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